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« В: 08.11.2007 15:54 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

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« В: 08.11.2007 16:01 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Легко и плавно скользят!


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« В: 08.11.2007 16:02 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Pol Bender

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Осторожно! Дебошир и алкоголег!

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« В: 08.11.2007 16:51 GMT+4 часа(ов) »



добавлено спустя 4 минут

мну это радостное литсо понра

отредактировал(а) Pavlik_Ахтунг_Morozov: 08.11.2007 16:55 GMT+4 часа(ов)


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« В: 08.11.2007 18:59 GMT+4 часа(ов) »



Слег паццтол...


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« В: 08.11.2007 19:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

да, Бэйс-Ди пожизненный мегареспект за сэт на АП

добавлено спустя 59 секунды


отредактировал(а) Го: 08.11.2007 19:16 GMT+4 часа(ов)


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Enemies 4 Life

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 20:06 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Claus :
или боян?

чуть не на*бнулся на кресле....


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« В: 08.11.2007 20:13 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

зачотное видео , одназначно!!!!



Audiogenetic | Fear FM

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« В: 08.11.2007 20:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Iridium Infinity :
Люди добрые, подскажите пожалуйста, где же взять Плакат-Афишу с Under Pressure 2007
Пополнить драгоценную коллекцию )

У меня есть. Немного покоцаная - пришел с пати и сорвал со стенда в общаге


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« В: 08.11.2007 20:16 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

ахахаха жесть ))))


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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 20:21 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Claus :
или боян

ППЦ!!! Здох от смеха.


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грабь, бухай и отдыхай!

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 20:36 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Tommyknocker :

мля, вот смотрю и радуюсь
хако у нас оживает
ща слезу от щасья пущу...

добавлено спустя 3 минут

И не стыдно такой РЭЙВ знакомым показать!

Женёк крассавец, зачёт!

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 20:39 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Вот сообщение от Endymion:

Last weekend we had to play at Under Pressure 2007 (Moscow, Russia).

This event is the biggest hardcore event in Moscow. Since the party was on a Sunday night (the Monday after the party was a holiday) we flew to Moscow on Sunday afternoon. We were very tired because we played at Raving Nightmare (MECC, Maastricht) the Saturday night before. So after 3 hours of sleep we were ready to go to Moscow.

After a 3 hour flight we landed in Russia and we were picked up by the promoter of the party. He drove us to our hotel and we had 10 minutes to take a shower. They made dinner reservations for us so we had to hurry to get there on time.

In the hotel lobby we met Bass-D and Tha Playah who arrived on different flights. After a nice Russian meal (Borsch ofterwel bietensoep) we drove to the venue. But when we arrived something very strange happened, we were not allowed to enter the venue. The promoter had problems with the police and they asked us to leave the club and check out Moscow until the problems were solved. So we got back into the car and did some sightseeing.

After 90 minutes we received a phone call, all problems were solved and they asked us to come back as soon as possible because Tha Playah had to start his set. When we entered the club it turned out to be totally packed. As soon as the people figured out we arrived everybody started to applaud for us and people were very anxious to take pictures and shake our hands?movie star style!!

When we arrived backstage we noticed there was no vodka. Russia and no vodka? Thats not possible, within 15 minutes the promoters brought the bottles of vodka and we were ready to start the party!

Tha Playah was the first Dutch artist to perform. He had to play after DJ Groove. This guy is a legend in Russia. His drum and bass set was a perfect warm up for the Russian party people. As soon as Tha Playah started the first hardcore kickdrum of the night the people went totally crazy. He played a great set filled a lot of hit tracks from Neophyte Records.

After Tha Playah we had to do our dj-set. Our live-act followed directly after our dj-set. So while Bas and Bart were playing the dj-set, Jelle prepared the live-act.

The venue was nice, it had a big stage were the dj-booth was located.
In front of the stage there was a smaller stage for the dancers. The promoter asked us to perform next to the dj-booth on the big stage. But we insisted to perform on the small stage in front of the big stage. This stage was in the middle of the crowd. We really wanted to be as close to the people as possible. It was not easy for the promoter to arrange a table and power on the small stage, but after a while the table was there and Jelle started to install our equipment.

Meanwhile Bas and Bart were playing their dj-set. It was amazing the see the enthusiastic reaction from the crowd. They knew every track we played and they went completely crazy! But the real craziness started during our live-act.

As soon as we entered the small live-act stage the people went berserk. And when I say berserk, I mean really berserk! We never saw that many hands in the air and when we asked them to make some noise, they REALLY made noise. Hereby we would like to declare the Russian people the coolest party people in the world.

They did not stop screaming during our performance. During every breakdown all hands were in the air and they partied like we had never seen before. When Bart walked close to the edge of the stage Basz pushed him into the crowd. Man, they latterly ripped his shirt of! He was not able to get back on the stage with his shirt on! So when they had his shirt (which was torn into pieces) he climbed back on the stage, took another shirt and continued the live-act.

After that moment Basz and Bart jumped into the crowd several times.
The climbed upon the table which was on the stage and the jumped directly into the crowd. The crowd surfing was amazing. Everybody lifted us up and they threw us back to the stage very time.

The whole performance was over before we knew it. We drank vodka, gave vodka to the crowd, threw away a lot of records and we had to fight to hold our flags in our hands. Because they REALLY wanted those as well!
During the last track we had to get Jelle into the crowd as well. So while Dreadlock was playing we picked him up and let him do his crowd surf too!

After the performance we signed autographs for 45 minutes. We signed passports, shirts, boobs, pictures, caps, shoes etc etc. At the end we stopped, because we could have signed much longer if we wanted!

Meanwhile Bass-D started his dj-set. This man still has an amazing way of mixing. He combined some early rave hits with more recent tracks.
Again, the crowd loved it!

After his set we went back to the hotel. The night was amazing. For us this live-performance was the best one we ever did! We never enjoyed performing as much as we did at this party. Under Pressure 2007 will always be on our mind! The promoters were very excited about our performance as well. They said our show was the best one they ever had on their events. They were truly thankful for our performance!

We stayed in Moscow until Wednesday. So we had 2 days to check out the city. We did a lot of sightseeing and of course we partied a lot with some of our new Russian friends. The whole trip was an amazing experience! We are sure to get back to Moscow soon! We cant wait!

We like to say thanks to Stanislav, Sasha, Olya, Victor, Andre, Alina and the rest of the crew for taking care of us in Moscow!

очень приятно такое читать!

Источник: www.endymion.nl

отредактировал(а) Northern Sound: 08.11.2007 20:57 GMT+4 часа(ов)


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« В: 08.11.2007 20:56 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

А с плайяхом и басс-ди? лучше конечна с транслитом )


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3. Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому и Второму Законам.

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 21:02 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Northern SoundСпс. и за месидж и за пати

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« В: 08.11.2007 21:03 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

ОЧЕНЬ ПРИЯТНО Да это ПРОСТО ПИИИИИЗДЕЦ)))))) ОНИ ЛУЧШИЕ! Ну и мы старались! Помоему такие слова так просто не пишутся. Мы взаимно лучшие!


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грабь, бухай и отдыхай!

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Выдели текст и нажми сюда 4.11.07 / Under Pressure 2007 Live / клуб Tuning Hall
« В: 08.11.2007 21:05 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Beastie :
маски решили что уезжать не стоит

еееееее, зачётную я себе кофточку подмутил)))
чё т мне показалось меня чаще фотографировали, а фоток нашёл всего штуки 3-4

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« В: 08.11.2007 21:08 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Russia and no wodka? Thats not possible


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« В: 08.11.2007 21:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

чё т мне показалось меня чаще фотографировали, а фоток нашёл всего штуки 3-4

И я своих мало нашол. А фоткали много. Чел один сказал адрес сайта, а я с пьяного глазу его не запомнил.. :(

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