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« В: 01.12.2006 00:05 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

мне в своё время подсказали

а есть Элстака Rage у кого-нить и I`m hardcore от Tubthumbing? ну и T-factor on the floor хотелось бы.... а то одну строчку никак не разберу...

matrix has schum

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« В: 01.01.2017 00:00 GMT+03 часа »
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вечно молодой, вечно пьяный

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« В: 01.12.2006 01:35 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

портальчик бы в инете найти!!! или на холландских форумах!!!


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Life is a Noize

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« В: 01.12.2006 05:43 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

О-да, ньюстайл всё-таки рулит!


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« В: 03.12.2006 23:51 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

3 Steps Ahead - Kick-Off (Intro)

3 Steps Ahead 3 Steps Ahead
I'm proud to present
The man with the gabberheart in the right place
And i want you to tell me his name
When i say 3 Steps Ahead, you say 3 Steps Ahead
3 Steps Ahead 3 Steps Ahead
Welcome yeah clap your hands
Brothers & sisters, gabbers
If there's hell below
We are all gonna gooooooo

3 Steps Ahead - Cloud 9

Need somebody to drink with ?
I'm on cloud 9
How are you doing buddy ?
Give me a call sometime

3 Steps Ahead - Wanna Have Sex !

Wanna have sex ... spread your legs
Wanna have sex ... again again again
I wanna have sex ... so spread your legs
I wanna have sex ... again again again

3 Steps Ahead - I'm A H.C.M.F.

I'm a hardcore motherfucker, motherfuck
Don't try to stop him
You can't hold him back
He's a hardcore motherfucker
Leader of the pack
I'm a hardcore motherfucker
Bang lets start the fucking show hey
I'm a hardcore motherfucker
Motherfucker, He's a hardcore motherfucker

3 Steps Ahead - I Just Love To Get Stoned

Say kids what time is it ?
Maybe you love to go out fishing
Maybe you love to play a game
Maybe you love to do some cruising
But to me that's all the same
Me i just love to get stoned

3 Steps Ahead - Fuk The Police

Listen to this man
Last night i was watching TV
The police came in
Listen to this man
They ripped the whole place apart
They've beaten me up man
They kicked my ass
They took all my shit
They said they'd be back for more
What can i do
Where can i go
Fuk the police
The bass goes boom boom boom
The bass goes boom

3 Steps Ahead - Funny

Brothers and sisters
Life ain't too bad
All you gotta do
Is clear your head
It's all a joke
Ha ha ha
You know what's really funny
It's all a joke

3 Steps Ahead - Goodtime

When is the last time you had a good time ?
Look at yourself you look like shit
You take on a suicide job
Just to make a buck
When is the last time you had a date ?
OK showtime
OK last chance
Throw your hands in the air
And wave em like you just don't care

3 Steps Ahead - Thunderdome Till We Die

Hey you what are you doing ?
You're not supposed to go in there
Stop go back
You can't go in
Hey you what are you doing
Stop you can't go in
Thunderdome till we die
Don't you believe we're
Gonna Thunderdome till we die
Eat this
Stop you can't go in

This is what we want, we want it louder !!!



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« В: 09.12.2006 22:10 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Gabber definitie

Gabber staat voor de Nederlandse jeugdcultuur, die is ontstaan in Rotterdam met ontstaan van de hardcore. (Hardcore is niet te vergewissen met de metal variant, daar hardcore gabber een House variant van nature is en volledig electronisch is.)

Ik ben nu al ongeveer iets van 8,5 jaar gabber en slaag er nog steeds niet in om een volkomen nauwsluitende definitie te geven op een beknopte wijze en dat komt om 2 redenen.

* 1) Het is een gevoel die je moeilijk kunt beschrijven, maar wel heel sterk aanvoelt.
* 2) Verklaren wat gabber is doe je aan niet-gabbers en dat vind ik niet fijn, omdat gabber underground is en ik het graag afscherm; daarom plaats ik op de site ook geen* foto’s, filmpjes, links, verslagen, ... van de scene.

Het belangrijkste ik er wens over mee te delen is dat gabber een aparte levenswijze is die draait om plezier te maken met je gabbers, want dat zijn je zielsgenoten, je vrienden, je familie. Samen uitgaan en keihard losgaan, daar gaat het om. Daarbij maakt het niet uit of je jong, oud, arm, rijk, blank of zwart bent. Het gaat hem om de hardcore!

Hardcore Lyrics

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L- M - N
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

3 Steps Ahead: Drop It
We're flying high
We're flying right up to the Sky....
"after I'm gone, your earth will be debried with your ...exitence
cause one of my satalites
and that's how it's going to be"

--> After i'm gone, your earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence as one of my sattelites"

D'Spyre - Fire & Blood
An old world passes away, together we shall forge a new one, in fire & blood. The future is transformed. I am the instrument to (surify) you!

--> The OLD world passes away,... I am the instrument to PURIFY you!

Gas Met Die Zooi
Moeten wij daar verrukt op zijn?)
--> Hey, rot us ff un eind opzij

Endymion - Payback
"WHAT?!? You saw that? And you're not jumping at this extraordinary opportunity to ? EXACT SOME MUCH DESERVED REVENGE

Slaves To The Rave
From the streets of Frankfurth, PCP & (...) on a mission, the return of .. --> From the streets of Frankfurt, PCP Inferno Bros powerforce on a mission to defend the base we are all slaves to the rave. Need a bass!

Korsakoff - Still Wasted
and after a century of war, I remember that we have (?)--> I remember that which matters most: WE ARE STILL HERE!

Lords of the Underworld - Nevermind Evil
"for every evil under the sun
there is a women, or there is none..
if there be one try to find here...
if there be none, then never minded
-->for every evil under the sun, there is a Remedy or there is none
If there be one try and find it
If there be none, then nevermind it

Fire & Blood
THE CHAOS CLIMS THE WORLD ! --> Let Chaos cleanse the world!
3 Steps Ahead - Gangsta
"As far back as I can remember, I alwayz wanted to be a GANGSTER!"

3 Steps Ahead - Paint it Black!
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue,
I could not foresee this thing happening to you.
If I look hard enough into the setting sun,
My love will laugh with me before the morning comes.
I see a red door and I want it painted black.
No colors any more, I want them to turn black.
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes,
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.
I want it painted black, black! Black as coal, black as night!
I want it painted black, black! Black as coal, black as night!
Black, black, black, black, black, black!
after I'm gone, your earth will be debried with your ...exitence
cause one of my satalites
and that's how it's going to be
'What good is wisdom if it gives no power to the wise ? The moment you questioned your faith, your soul was mine!

6 Pack - Alcoholic Party

I get dthisrunk when i ...... tot aan .... let me take a piss, only when im drunk i sing a song like

6-pack - Drunken piece of shit
I get drunk and stumble to the phone,
I can't drop a bitch, the tone when I'm alone.
Bullshit, money, now let me take a piss,
Only when I'm drunk I sing a song like this.
I get drunk and I stumble to the phone
And conjure up a bitch to bone when I'm alone
OHh shit, tow back, I need to take a piss
Only when I'm drunk I sing a song like this
Legion of the Lost
A:They are gonna burn you buddy!
A:Yeah, and I am coming to see you burning you son of a
bitch, cause you have killed my friend
B:He died like a pig
A:What did you say?
B:I said that your friend died screaming like a
STUCK irish pig,now you think about that while I beat your


Alienator - Prey
40.000 years ago, the most advanced species on earth was wiped out by a powerful new life form.
Now, another new species has evolved.. stronger, smarter and dedicated to our annihilation.
Once again, it's survival of the fittest...and this time, we are... the prey.
Bass-D & King Matthew –
I don't wanne bee the one, the one how's alwais left behind.
Will there ever come a day when i wil thurn arond en say.I don't wanne bee the one, the one how's alwais left behind.

Angerfist - Cannibal
Chaos?? made of human skeletons...chains of fingers and bones...chains of fingers and bones...Cannibal..muhahaha..Cannibal..muhahaha...

Angerfist - Loser
I'm telling you this kid is wicked dumb. Incorporate the message: you're a peon and that's for thinking you can save me out lyric for lyric.
Your fat ass would have more of a chance in a straight dog fight. Yo, you fucking wannabe all the gangsta, you disgust me. But the truth is you're as bitch as all people you ain't a killer, understand that? Go back to gimmicks paint you face if it makes you feel wicked. But the bottomline is this: you're a bitch and I can break your pride and bones in a minute.
dissing you wasn't even worth production, in either fysical or verbal callback. I beat you like percussion. You fat whack motherfucker, end of discussiant.

Archatos - Strength of Unity (Cenobite 006)
Unity of purpose is strength.
What is good for the community is good for everyone.
Harmony is community.
Community is strength.
A voice raised against the group must be silenced.
The community must prevail.
There is strength in numbers.
Unity of purpose is strength.

Armageddon Project - Through Misery and Suffering
I believe that, as a species, human beings define their realities through misery and suffering. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to WAKE UP FROM.

Art Of Fighters vs. Nico & Tetta - I Became Hardcore
So I became hardcore, couldn’t take it no more.

Artcore - Sounds Coming Through

the holy kingdom for me and you

the core is strong, it is our lord

we believe and will not be ignored!


Base Alert - Zoo
Who do you think you are?
I can not be stopped, I’m living this till the day that i die.
Release all the rage! Let the beast out the cage!
Oh my god.

Bertocucci Feranzano - E-motion:
All you need is...
All you need is...
All you need is...
All you need is a little emotion!

Bertocucci Feranzano - XTC-Love
OK You beter to go!!
OK I'm ready to go!!
Now light this motherfucker up!
This motherfucker up
This moterfucker up...

BioForge - No 1-Scapes us!
Explorers in outher regions... demons to some angels to others! Nobody escapes us!

Bionic Commanders - All Good All Right
It's all good it's all right, fuck all day, fuck all night...

Bodylotion - Make You Dance
Before we begin we gonna tell you a little story
If you're a real dance motherfucker you'll get your ass on the dancefloor
This number had no further meanings
It's only made to make you suckers move your feet
After many of try-outs... we did it
We gonna make you fuckers DANCE!

Bodylotion - Make You Dance
Before we begin we gonna tell you a little story
If you're a real dance motherfucker you'll get your ass on the dancefloor
This number had no further meanings
It's only made to make you suckers move your feet
After many of try-outs... we did it
We gonna make you fuckers DANCE!

Bodylotion - Neighbourhood Crime
Only if I had one more
Time to kick the rythm that keeps on rippin' down the door
So the real criminals get exposed behind the clothes
Doors and the suits that make 'em break the law
Looking for my own cause i had enough bull
I can't understand it
Must be the crooked way they planned it
Police supposed to keep the peace
But i can't trust them so i keep my piece
Loaded 'n cocked 'cause i don't miss the block
Talkin' about the ones who don't get chained to the rock
Fools, they got away with the dope and the crime
While we go away for the neighbourhood, the neighbourhood crime!!!

Bulldozer project - Arise
We shall arise...
Our vengeance is near
Time to resurrect
Enter without fear
Bulldozer project!!!
Our vengeance is near
Time to resurrect
Enter without fear
Bulldozer project!!!
Come on!
The troops of tomorrow
Tonight we take our stand
Determination in our eyes
We shall ARISE!!!

Buzz Fuzz – Fuck Happy
There is no drugs that gonna make you happy..i just wanna say say...fuck happy!!!


DJ Craven - Mariahs Pain


D'Spyre - Fire & Blood
An old world passes away, together we shall forge a new one, in fire & blood. The future is transformed. I am the instrument to (surify) you!

Da Tekno Warriors - Put Da Needle On Da Record
This is the funk bass your mom will appreciate!
Drumbeats go like...
Drumbeats go like...
Drumbeats go like this, this!

Denekamps Gespuis – Gas Met Die Zooi
En terwijl iedereen er weer op los loopt te rossen, gaan wij even naar een liedje luisteren waar wel lekkere wijven op af komen.
Mooi, gas met die zooi.
We, we, wel lekkere wijven op af komen.
(Moeten wij daar verrukt op zijn?)
Want wij komen eraan.
Mmm, heerlijk, even spuiten en je bent weer fris voor de hele dag.
Ik heb helemaal geen microfoon nodig.
Hoor maar!
Gas met die zooi!

Distorion & Dj Paul - What's Wrong With My Brain
It’s a motherfucking thing, an explosion in my head. What the fuck I’m dead.
Don’t you realize that your motherfucking pain?
I’m dead.
You die!
Voices, voices, voices in my head.


Endymion - It's All Music
The whole thing is based on respect! Respect to the music, respect to the DJs, respect to the crowd and respect to oneanother. We have to remain in constant contact, but look around yourself! We've got kids in the hip-hop, we've got B-Boys, we've got every kind of person in this room and we are not kicking fucking attitude! It's about music! Music never separated people! No one’s style of music is better than the other no one’s style! It's truer than the other! It's all music!

Endymion - Payback
"WHAT?!? You saw that? And you're not jumping at this extraordinary opportunity to ?
Are you crazy? COME ON!!"

E-noid - Antichrist
Do you know who I am?
The Anti-Christ.
You tell the angels in heaven you've never seen an evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you.

E-Noid - Liquid Super D
He gave me the LSD and took me to the hotel. I don't know what they have done with me, but I remember it was horrible.
They gave you what?

Euromasters - Neuken In De Keuken
Zijn hier nog lekkere KUTJES in de Zaal?!?
JA of NEE?!
Neuken in de keuken
nnnnneuken nnnnneuken
nnnnneuken nnnnneuken
Neuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken
Neuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken
Neuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken
Neuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken
Neuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken in de keuken
Ben je geil of moet je Poepen ?!?
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
Ben je geil of moet je Poepen ?!?
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
nnnnneuken nnnnneuken
nnnnneuken nnnnneuken
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
Kutte likke Kutte likke
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
Kutte likke Kutte likke
aaaahaahah aaaahaahah
Kutte likke Kutte likke

Evil Activities feat. DJ Panic - Bigger than ever
I shall not retreat, I shall not surrender, I'm here to defeat, those who are pretenders.

Evil Activities - What’s Inside Me
He put a alien inside of you..
It`s a really nasty one..
I a few hours..
It will burst a way to your ribcase.
Leave him!
Fuck you, we’re nog leaving him here.
He’s got one inside of him.
I can smell it.
Inside me?
Inside me.
What’s inside me.
Hey man I (don’t want one of those things near of me.)
It’s a bad risk.
What’s inside me?
We can’t just leave him here.
I though we came here to stoppin’ spreiding.
What’s inside me.
There’s go to be a process.
What’s inside me.
There’s got to be another way.
Can’t we freez ‘em?

DJ E-rick & tactic - Atart To Move
By this time you're probably beginning to wonder what you're doing for all of this it's maybe time to start to move.

Experiments of Human Nature
It's people like you, who'd better pray to God, that people like me, do my job while they're in there.
Because one of these days these scumbags are gonna be out on the street and then you'd better pray to God you're not walking down the street. You and one of your selfrighteous, liberal friends.
One of these brutal boys decides that he's gonna put a bullet in that pretty head of yours.
While I'm in charge, I will discipline these bastards as I see fit !'


French Connection
Listen Here Wolfchild
I Speak Of Maverick Deviation
The Psychotronic Love Commandos
We Shall Be Drunk On Stars
We Shall Fear Nothing
Demand The Impossible
Dream Your Destiny
Define The Logic Of Alphabets
I Slave The King Of The World
Nothing is impossible



Hard Creation - Dance To Da House
Dominator... I wanna kiss myself. Dominator...
"I'm bigger and bolder and rougher and tougher. In other words, sucker, there is no other! I'm the one and only dominator!!! Wanna kiss myself!!!"

Hard Creation - I Will Have That Power
I move by psichokinetic power
You turn if you want to
the night is not for turning,
I move by psichokinetic power,
there is no such thing as society,
no no no...
[exterminate, destroy!](x4)
I move by psichokinetic power,
there is no such thing as society,
no no no...
Nothing, absolutely nothing
must delay this our glorious project
once we seize must survive among all others
and to do so it will send me above the gods
and through the daylight,
I will have that power!
I will have that power!

Highlander - Hold Me Now
Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say,
from each other
Even lovers need a holiday,
Far away
from each other
Hold me now,
it&襬s hard for me to say I&襬m sorry
I just want you to stay!
Hold me now,
it&襬s hard for me to say I&襬m sorry
I just want you to stay!

The Horrorist - One Night in NY
Hello, my name is Oliver. And I&襬m going to tell you a story.
It&襬s about a young girl, she&襬s only 15 years old,
and has blond hair and blue eyes.
She lives with her parents in New Jersey and they love her very much.
And one night she and her friends decided they were gonna come to new york city.
"My parents are away and I&襬ll take their car and they&襬ll never know.
Were gonna have a great time," she said.
And they drove over the George Washington Bridge,
and drove downtown, to the night life.
"Wow, look at the line."
"on&襬t worry, I know the guy at the door,
we&襬ll get in..." and they did.
So many people... "Look at that guy&襬s shoes, they must be a mile high."
She turned around and bumped into a really cute guy.
They had a good time. They danced for hours and hours, but she had a few drinks too...
"Hey," he said, "My roommate&襬s not home, and well, and i was wondering if you wanna,
you know, come to my place? i just dont wanna, i just dont wanna be alone."
And she said, Yes...
So they climb into a taxi, and went to 3rd avenue and 11th street, to the NYU dormrooms.
And went upstairs and sat on his bed.
And he said, "Take this pill" and she did...
And then she said, "What did you just give me?"
"Ecstacy," he said. and then...
He fucked her all night!
fucked her, all night!
fucked her, all night!
fucked her, all night!
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
One night in New York City...
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
One night in New York City...
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
...all night
fucked her, all night!
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
One night in New York City...
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
One night in New York City...
It&襬s just one night in New York City...
One night in New York City...


Inferno Bras – Slaves To The Rave
What we need is some real techno, return to soul, it's time for a change!!
From the streets of Frankfurth, PCP & (...) on a mission, the return of .. We're all slaves to the rave.
(Give me/Meet) the bass.



Korsakoff – Still Wasted
I remember that I am here, not because of path that lies before me, but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years, we have fought these machines, I remember that for 100 years, they have set their army to destroy us, and after a century of war, I remember that we have (?).....WE ARE STILL HERE !!!!

Kotze & Brake - Echte Gabbers
Waar is die bass?
hak hak, beng beng,
kotsen en braken
Waar is die bass?
Dit is geen hardcore,
het ztelt ook niks voor
dit is van die muziek,
die dus nergens op slaat!
Wat een gezeik
Ik ben geen zwabber
ik luister naar gabber
en dit is de hardcore,
zoals het hoort!
Echte gabbers,
die willen alleen maar hakken
Happy hardcore is voor alle zwakken
sukkels die er bij willen horen
maar we zullen ze stuk voor stuk
A Weak Jealous motherfucker
if you're a jealous motherfucker
you're just a weak motherfucker
see when you are in town,
you weak jealous motherfucker
motherfuckers, are gonna bring you down

Lord Hostile – Arise
I Powers Of Darkness, Rise Up Forces of Evil, Rise up and Destroy all who stand against you, Arise. It is you; your Lord, who commands you: ARISE!!!

Lords of the Underworld - Nevermind Evil
"for every evil under the sun
there is a women, or there is none..
if there be one try to find here...
if there be none, then never minded"


The Masochist Vs Chosen Few – More Drugz
We did it all!
We did it all!
We did whatever we get our hands on, back in the 70's
We did fucking hands fulls of muchrooms, pills, lood, coke, whatever it was. We just fucking swallowed it okay? That’s what we did.
I tell you something else right now. I have the solution to the drug problem in this country. Nobody wants to hear it, but I have it. Now less drugs: more drugs. Get more drugs and give them to the right fucking people.
The cocaine is pretty good, but I want something that makes my heart explode as soon as I smoke, okay?
Yeah I like to do some coke. I like to do a drug that makes my penis small, makes my nose bleed, make my heart explode and sucks all my money out of the bank. Is that possible please?

The Masochist - Killing Scum
We do not kill, that is our rule.
I like good food and wine and I love a fight.

Masters Of Ceremony - Hardcore To The Bone
I'm Hardcore to da bone
to da bone
It's one for the trouble
and two for da Bass.

Masters Of Ceremony – Under Control
And now you do what they told ya.
They could you under control.
And now you do what they told ya.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
MoC (=Masters Of Ceremony), bring the melody.
Housetime is anytime and anytime is housetime jump jump around that's what you do.........

Masters Of Ceremony - Hardcore Will Survive
Masters of ceremony.
All that I hear is absolute hardcore.
We cannot live, we cannot die,
trapped in ourselves
hardcore will survive!
Hardcore rules the world!

Masters of Ceremony - Skullfuck
There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?
But until that day you are pukes.

Marc acardipane-GOD XTC overdose
I just came back from taking a piss
And you know who I saw ....
I saw god.
Taking a piss right back to me.
And you know what he said.
Do you really wanna know what god said.
While he was pissing.
God said I think iI have a lillte bit to much.
And I said a lillte bit to much of what?
God said he thinks he have a lillte bit to much.
And I said a litlle bit to much of fucking what
God said....I think a have a lillte bit to much of MOTHERFUCKING XTC!


Dj Narotic vs UVC - Step Into The Pit

"I think that you've got the wrong impression about me.

I think in all fairness i should explain to you exactly what is that I do. For instance, tomorrow mornin I'll get up nice and early take a walk down over to the bank and ehm... if you don't have my money for me I'll... crack your fuckin head wide open in front of everybody in the back.

And just about the time that I'm comin'out of jail, HOPEFULLY you'll be comin' out of your coma.

And guess what? I'll split your fuckin' head open again, cause i'm fuckin stupid. I don't give a fuck about jail. That's my business, that's what I do!

Don’t be afraid to be weak

Don’t be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don’t hide

Just believe in destiny

Don’t care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don’t give up and use the chance

To return to innocence

Violence is acceptable means to resolve a conflict

I felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone of leaves, I wander out where you can't see, inside my shell i wait and bleed.

Nasenbluten - Cut Her To Bits
Duck between the chairs and whipped out the machete.
She screamed, I sliced her open till her guts were like spaghetti.
A maniac, I stabbed the girl in her tits and to stop her nerves from jumpin' I just cut her to bits.

Nasenbluten - Machete
Some people say "dog you curse too much"
Some people say "dog you diss too much"
Some people say "dog you yell too much"

Neophyte & Evil Activities - Alles Kapot

Wat betekent house nou voor jou x3

Totale lichamelijke energie uitstotingen

Wat betekent house nou voor jou x3

ik was er vanaf het begin af aan bij yeaaahhh

Wat betekent house nou voor jou x3

Uhmm met je handen boven op je hoofd liggen hakken

Wat betekent house nou voor jou x3

Als je een pil neemt word je gewoon botergeil, tis gewoon lekker (WHAHA)

Wat betekent house nou voor jou x3

Ik word je stapelgek van van die harde muziek !

Als men begint bij het beluisteren van de housemuziek dan zal men opgegeven moment moeite krijgen met bidden, men zal ook niet meer naar de kerk willen gaan met hun ouders, je ziet ook dat ze zich kaal laten scheren, ze worden dan letterlijk van God losgesneden, omdat ze zich laten parresteren door de housemuziek, wat van satan zelf is...



Het zijn meer als 120 dreunen per minuut, en je raakt helemaal in extase, dat heeft de schepper van hemel en aarde nooit gewild die wil rust in ons leven !


U schrijft u zag de jeugd veranderen in een willoze kudde dansend vee, u meent dat he ?

Ja dat meen ik anders had ik het niet geschreven..

De duivel kreeg ze in hun greep..

Ja want die muziek, daar zit eigenlijk achter de duivel, die wil zo proberen de jongeren te indoctrineren dat ze alles in onze maatschappij kapotmaken, dat komt al in het liedje tot uiting van Alles naar de Klote, nou Alles Kapot !

Alles Kapot!

Housemuziek maakt jongeren kapot !


De hartslag wil ook proberen dat ritme op te volgen dat kan niet

Neophyte – Balls In Your Mouth
You want me to get pollitical?
Tonica Lewinsky is a fucking ho and Bill Clinton is a goddamm pimp.
Next time if somebody comes up to you, they wanna argue, scream, ’n shout. Just look the motherfucker dead in the eyes, and simply tell 'em: YOU WANT MY BALLS IN YOUR MOUTH?

Neophyte - Got 2 Be Original
If you want to maintain.. If you want ro rule the market.. Dying to beat the opposition.. I any formal competition

Neophyte - Je Moet Je Muil Houwe!
Mc's en dj's kunnen hier alleen maar van dromen, alleen maar om in de buurt van dit hardcore niveau te komen. Tranen stromen, en wijven blijven komen. Laat ze maar hangen, hoeren zijn te vervangen. Wij zijn niet meer dan zij, maar zeker ook niet minder. Gasten zoals wij worden opgepakt voor meer dan alleen geluidshinder.
Moederneukers, ik heb het gehad! Sterf met een gezwel in je kontgat!
Met een gezwel in je kontgat.
Moederneukers,ik heb het gehad !sterf met een gezwel in je kontgat!
Jezus wat een kutmuziek, noem je dit muziek,hardcore is toch dood!
Je moet je muil houwe!
Ja moet je is ff luister jongen, ik was al gabber in 1991 ennuh toen kwam ik aluuh in de grootste feesten man, maarjah ‘t is tog dood,of niet. Ik ben er maar mee opgehouwuh.
Je moet je muil houwe!
Ik heb me Aus verbrand, ‘k heb m’n nikies weggepleurd, ik ben een baan gaan zoeken. Wat een kutmuziek.
Heb je me niet verstaan? Je moet je muil houwe!
Muil houwe, je moet je muil houwe, muil houwe...
We komen hard aan en hebben schijt aan de rest, hardcore verspreidt zich sneller, dan builenpest.
Geboren op hard, als er een baksteen aan zit te komen, om bloed uit je oren te zien stromen.
Moederneukers, ik heb het gehad !sterf met een gezwel in je kontgat!
Met een gezwel in je kontgat .

Neophyte - Hardcore Power
Let the bass be louder, Hardcore Power Hardcore power.

This One's Designed To Open Your Mind

Noizefucker - Zwart koffie
Koffie, koffie lekker bakkie koffie
Deep thought damager
Power to the people!
Back once again
With the Renegade Master
Deep thought damager
With the ill behaviour!

Nosferatu - Have It Your Way
How ever you want it you can have it your way.
You fuck my night up im gonna fuck up your day.
Bullit with your name sending it your way.
That goes for anyone that comes through that doorway.

Nosferatu - The Desolate One
Hell or the pearly gates; I was destined to come
Predicted, blame God, he blew breath in my lungs
Became a monster, on top of the world, never fallin
I'm as real as they come, from day one, forever ballin’
Shoot through satin pillows,
The Desolate One
I had to hustle hard never give up, until I made it
Now y'all sayin that's a clever g, nuttin to play with.

Nosferatu - The Prayer
(samples uit de Boondock Saints)
You people have been chosen,
to reveal our existence to the world,
you will witness what happens here today,
and you will tell of it later.
'Who the fuck, what the fuck, fuck, FUUUCCCCKK!
And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

Nosferatu - The Undead

After thirteen regulations it’s hard to believe that, this curse, still remains,

It leaves that evil was born, i had to kill the rest of them, but evil owns us from beyond, he's here, Nosferatu, the undead, VAMPIRES.

Behold, the face of you’re destruction, but my victory,

You come up with you’re slaves, you ruin it everytime,

No again, no doubt!

Nosferatu & Ophidian - Psychiatric Ass
However unreal it may seem....
We are connected, you & I..
We're on the same curbe, just on opposite ends.....
The point of all is we now know something we didn't.....
You have weakness!


Outblast & Korsakoff - Unleash The Beast
...More than a decade past...
...More than a decade of the most powerfull music force known to man...
...Since the beginning of the hardcore era we counted several evil forces trying to destroy what we call our life!...
...After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever...
...But there is an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core and try to do so will unleash the beast more powerfull than the world has ever seen!...
...The beast will form a hardcore-army and it will call itself it's master...
...This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for!...
...The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound...
...We will not vanish, we will not die!...
The true hardcore sound
......we are the masters!......
...This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for!...
...We will not vanish, we will not die!...Fucking the bassdrum...
...No one tells us what to be!...
......Enjoy your destiny!......

The Outside Agency & D'Spyre - Fire & Blood Revisted
The old world passes away,
Together... we shall forge a new one in fire & blood
A future is transformed
I am the instrument to surify youre world
from the ashes of this world i will build a better one

Paradox - What is Wisdom (Ruffex)
What good is wisdom if it gives no power to the wise? The moment you questioned your faith, your soul was mine! You will kneel before me! Argh!

DJ Paul - Code Red
You fucked with the wrong marine!!!

DJ Paul - Ik Haat Je
I’ll let you stay alive for now, but not if I see you again.
Man you are one petetic loser.
Fuck you, Fuck you...

Dj Paul - I Had To Kill A Lot Of People
There are no more barriers to cross.
All I have in common with the uncontrollable & the insane,
the vicious & the evil.
All the mayhem I have caused,
and my utther indifference toward it,
I have now surpassed.
My pain is constant and sharp,
and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.
Infact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others.
I want no one to escape.
But even after admitting this,
there is no catharsis,
my punishment continues to elude with me,
and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself.
No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.
This confession has meant...

Dj Paul feat. Firestone & Ruffian - Pogo Action

DJ Paul & Stunned Guys - Bombing Eardrums
The Champions
Thereal hardcore champions!

Paul Elstak ft Mc Ruffian - A Message To All Musical Messengers
A message to all the musical messengers, DJ's, MC's, Producers and all that. We all know we can't stand each others shit, Therefore I strongly advise you to stay focused on your music, I hate to admit it, But I need fuck-ups like you in my industry. The way we think, The way we do, The way we act. Offensive. More to come
Paul Elstak ft Firestone – Cops Are Not Your Friends (P.O.C. RMX)
Hey cop, hey pig, Hey cop (hey cop), Hey pig (hey pig), Hey cop (burn in hell), Hey pig (burn in hell)
Hey cop (hey cop), hey pig (hey pig), hey cop (hey cop)...., I hope you burn in hell! Cops are not your friends. Hey cop, I hope you burn in hell! Cops are not your fucking friends
Paul Elstak ft Firestone – Down For The Count
I fuckin' hate you, So much, I'm just a trash-talking, bloodsucker crazy motherfucker. Crazy motherfucker! You don't have to be scared, I just wanna break your face, You don't have to be scared, I just wanna crack your head, You don't have to be scared, I just wanna break your face, crack your head, cut your throat, I knock you down 'cause, I fucking hate you, I fucking hate you so much. I fucking hate you so much, I knock you down. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, dead!, I knock you down for the count. I fucking hate you so much, I knock you down 1, 2, 3, 4, dead!

Paul Elstak ft Dj D – Furious Anger
Destroy, Vengeance, anger, Vengeance, destroy. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee! The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities, Of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak. Through the Valley of Darkness for he is truly his brother’s keeper. And the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger. Those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.
And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee! Vengeance, anger, Great vengeance and furious anger
Paul Elstak ft Firestone – Get Off My Back
Get off my back. Get off my back or I'll attack! Get off my back I'm a timebomb walking. Get off my back or I'll attack, I'm a timebomb walking, Get off my back, get off my back, Or I'll attack.

Paul Elstak ft Headbanger – God Is Not Here Today
He’s coming for you. God is not here today. There is something here, something evil (Hahaha), (He’s coming for you), What’s the matter Merin? Don’t you wanna fuck me anymore?, He’s coming for you, You’re a killer Merin. You looked them in the eye and pointed your finger and they died (Hahaha), From the souls made through the image unlike the father I cast you out (Hahaha), God is not here today
God the Holy ghost commands you! Where is your God now Merin?, Why would he listen to you?, You, you ….. you believe in nothing! Don’t you wanna fuck me anymore? God the Holy ghost commands you!
God is not here today. God is not here today priest. Be gone evil spirit, By the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy ghost, By the sign of this Holy cloth by our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Holy ghost commands you!

Paul Elstak ft Firestone – It’s A Hardcore Life
It’s a hardcore life, Hardcore life, It’s my life, It’s a hardcore life, but it’s mine! It’s a hard world to get a break in, All the good things have been taken. It’s my life and I do what I want, It’s my mind and I think what I want, It’s my life and I do what I want, It’s my life and I do what I want. Show me I’m wrong, Hurt me some time, Someday I treat you real fine. It’s a hardcore life….. But it’s mine!
Paul Elstak ft Dj Dione – May I Fuck My Wife
May I fuck my wife, Louder, Say please and sir, Please sir may I fuck my wife. Fuck my wife, Say please and sir, Louder, Please sir may I fuck my wife! Please sir may I fuck my wife! God's greatest creation..., Is pussy, Just give me all the pussy in the world, Fuck I don't need all the pussy. Just one a day......., Every day. Please sir may I fuck my wife.

Paul Elstak - Now’s The Fucking Time
When do you wanna die. Your mother had it coming, At 25 she did her part in the killing of nine innocent people, She made one big mistake...she should have killed ten. The price you pay, I collect you fucking head. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say...., Now's the fucking time! Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say. Now's the fucking time! At 25 she did her part in the killing of nine innocent people. She made one big mistake...she should have killed ten. The price you pay, I collect you fucking head. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say....Now's the fucking time! Where is Bill. I don't know who Bill is. Where is Bill! When do you wanna die. Your mother had it coming, When do you wanna die, Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say.... Now's the fucking time!

Paul Elstak ft Firestone – One Day (We Kill’em All)
Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide. One day we kill’em all! The dogs that they are, The lowest by far, Too afraid to fight, Too afraid to fall. This is the last call. Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide, Dogs that they are, The lowest by far, This is the last call, One day we kill’em all, Too afraid to fight, Too afraid to fall. One day we kill’em all!

Paul Elstak ft Firestone & Mc Ruffian– Once And For All
Once and for all, This one’s for you, Once and for all, This one’s for you. To all the kids out there, This one’s for you, Once and for all, This one’s for you, You! To all the kids out there, This one’s for you, Once and for all, This one’s for you. (choir) This one’s for you.

Paul Elstak ft Distortion - Raped
Raped. Why is your doll angry? Cause she got raped, Do you know what "raped" means?, It means she was forced in a sexual intercourse against her will. Sexual intercourse against her will, Raped. Why is your doll angry?, Cause she got raped, By who, By you, Sexual intercourse against her will, She got raped
Do you know what "raped" means?, It means she was forced in a sexual intercourse against her will
Cause she got raped, By you
May I fuck my wife, Louder, Say please and sir, Please sir may I fuck my wife. Fuck my wife, Say please and sir, Louder, Please sir may I fuck my wife! Please sir may I fuck my wife! God's greatest creation..., Is pussy, Just give me all the pussy in the world, Fuck I don't need all the pussy. Just one a day......., Every day. Please sir may I fuck my wife.

Paul Elstak ft Dj JDA – Roaring Rampage
Are you calling me a super-hero? I'm calling you a killer, a natural born killer. If you don't settle down I'm gonna have to put one in your knee-cap. (Shot) Aaah, What the fuck did you just shoot me with. I can blow your fucking head off. I got ya. Looked dead didn't I? Well I wasn't. Actually Bill's last bullit put me in a coma. A coma I was to lie in for four years. And I woke up. I went on with the movie advertisements refer to as a roaring rampage of revenge. I roared and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction. I am gonna kill Bill. Roaring rampage of revenge. I roared and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction. Are you calling me a super-hero? I'm the deadliest woman in the world. I got you right in my sight. I could blow your fucking head off! Hahaha, What the fuck did you just shoot me with. I roared and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction

Paul Elstak ft Dj JDA – Stay Within The Family
I guess you could call it a mafia-related hit. Psychologists are finding that certain individuals are particularly prown to rage. Almost any frustration, inconvenience or precieved inconsideration. Will set them off. Motherfucker! You stay within the family. This is Scarface final scene. Fucking bazooka’s under each arm. Say hello to my little friend! Say hello to my little friend! Allright you know why we are here. So if you have any doubts or reservations now is the time to say so. ‘Cause once you are into this family there’s no getting out. This family comes before anything else, everything. It’s a thing of honour. If you got a problem, you just let somebody know. This man right here, he’s like your father. You bring it to him, he’ll solve it. You stay within the family. May I burn in hell. If I betray my friends. You stay within the family. May your soul burn in hell if you betray your friends in the family

Paul Elstak ft Javi Boss & Mc Ruffian – Suicide
Suicide, Self-murder! Suicide, Pull the trigger, You’re dead, ahh! Spanish underground, Combined with the dutch sound, Spanish underground, I see your brains on the wall. Pull the trigger, You’re dead, ahh!
Self-murder, suicide, it’s suicide, Suicide, now you know your problem-solver, It’s suicide, after this all games are over, It’s suicide, pull the trigger that revolver, It’s suicide, suicide, You’re dead, ahh!

Paul Elstak ft Mc Ruffian – The Prophecy
The prophecy. Could it be you're only daydreaming, Could this be a message from a demon, In here your time has come again, Go ahead and tell your friends. The darkest, the hardest beats, The whole fucking world should know, Offensive run the streets! The prophecy. I said this in offensive one, All my prophesized words are coming out overruling all elements of surprise, The only thing you can be sure about is as we coming out like the freaking sunrise. Offensive. The prophecy.
Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide. One day we kill’em all! The dogs that they are, The lowest by far, Too afraid to fight, Too afraid to fall. This is the last call. Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide, Dogs that they are, The lowest by far, This is the last call, One day we kill’em all, Too afraid to fight, Too afraid to fall. One day we kill’em all!

Paul Elstak ft Distortion – This Ain’t No Game (This Is War!)
Why. Offensive hardcore. Why you choose to put your life on the line?, Why you want to walk a path which is mine?, Why you want to get slapped like a whore?, Why come against Offensive hardcore?
You stand as one an eye for an eye. No mistakes allowed where people could die. Why come against Offensive hardcore?, Why you choose to put your life on the line?, Why you want to walk a path which is mine? No mistakes allowed. We're about to hit hard. Hard to the core, this ain't no game this is war!
Hardcore, Hard to the core, This ain't no game this is war! Why, why, Offensive hardcore?, Why, why, slapped like a whore?, If you kill one, you're a murderer, If you kill many, you're a conqueror, We stand as one an eye for an eye, No mistakes allowed where people could die. Freakin' hard in all mental cases, Put a fight in all kinds of places, There are more of us than there are of you...., So wacha wanna do! Hard to the core, This ain't no game this is war! Offensive hardcore! Wacha wanna do, So wacha wanna do, There are more of us than there are of you. Freakin' hard. This ain't no game this is war! If you kill one, you're a murderer, If you kill many, you're a conqueror, We stand as one an eye for an eye, No mistakes allowed where people could die. Freakin' hard in all mental cases, Put a fight in all kinds of places, There are more of us than there are of you...., So wacha wanna do!

Paul Elstak ft Firestone – This Is Our Territory
This is our territory, This is where we fight, For our right to be violent, Now get this shit going! This is our territory! This is where we fight! Get this shit going! Trespassers will be violated, Trespassers...will be...violated Today (today) tomorrow motherfuckers feel the pain, the pain the sorrow, (Trespassers) Trespassers, your fucking time has come, Your fucking time has come! Your fucking time has cooome! Motherfuckers feel the pain. This is our territory! This is where we fight! Motherfuckers feel the pain. This is our territory! Trespassers...will be...voilated. Motherfuckers feel the pain, the sorrow...Trespassers
The Prophet - CJ Bolland
I'm here to tear down everything around you
And you know what I'm going to replace it with?
Something new.
The World Of God!
So take your bread and give it to the poor.
What difference does it matter what you own?
You have gold and silver,
it's going to rot
and that rot is going to eat away your heart.
All of you !
there will be a flood
and there will be a fire!
everything will be destroyed !
but there will be a new arch, riding on that fire.
And I hold the keys
And I open the door
And I decide who goes in and who doesn't!
The World Of God
The World Of God
Come with me.
You think God belongs only to you ?
He doesn't.
God's in the mortal spirit who belongs everybody,
to the whole world.
You think you're special ?
God is not in his relight !
In that desert the baptists warned us :
God is coming.
Well, I'm telling you it's too late.
He's already here
I'm here!
And I'm going to baptise everybodywith fire!

Promo - Counter Attack
mye, mye mye mye
We all had fun tonight
But we've come to worship allright
And I got a little special something for you all tonight
A kind of thing!
But they tell you not to listen to,
They tell you it's a bad figure,
They tell you it's wrong,
How could it be wrong!?

Promo - Let The Bass Boom

Let the bass bak and the bass just boom.

This is the track that broke your mom’s back.

She was on the dancefloor, i heard a CRACK.

DJ Promo & Catscan - Toch Welleuk
Alles wat ik doe is toch wel leuk, KUT HOEREN!
Luister mensen.
Ik hou van muziek, mooie muziek laat daar geen misverstand over bestaan. Ik hou van muziek bespeeld door musici die hun instrument meester zijn ennnnnnn!!! bereid zijn daar moeite voor te doen! Daar hou ik van.
Kut, kut, allemaal!

Tha Playah - The Bounce

Shake it, Pop it, Bounce It, Flip It

Lil mama (whew!!)

Make a nigga wanna dick bend ya ass over

Flex your pussy muscles

Girl you want these hundred g'z

Girl you got ta hustle

Bounce your ass up and down like that

I like that!

Put your titties in my face so a nigga can bite that

Turn around to that back and let me get a lap dance

Lil mama you got me about to bust a nut in my pants

All that teasin your boy I ain't with that there

After the club you gotta let a nigga hit that there

Here go with B

Tell your boss man you gotta leave the club early

Ya heard me cuz tonight you finna get your knees dirty

Dj Paul - Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell
Stick your cock up her ass you worthless cocksucker.
Be silent!


DJ Or-Beat - Keep it Alive
Nothing but a fucking ho, check it out:
Playing cause and reaction. ... with traction. Fucking relation.
I’m bringin’ it to you hard. Hide behind the bodyguard. Still pour your card. Playing forth and short, I got a bout a yard.
Explore and expand. I Crush You In MY Hand.. Like A tincan. Just because I Can. I’m like magic man, So you can suck my Johnson Bossing the big guns up in the place like Charles Bronsen.

Partyanimals – Nazi scum
Je noemt jezelf een gabber, maar ik vind je maar een zwabber. Je bent irritant en staat in de lucht met je rechterhand, naar mensen die zijn gevlucht uit hun vaderland. Discriminatie is voor jou een sensatie, maar je wekt bij mij alleen maar irritatie. En wil je weten waarom ik me voor je schaam: dankzij zwabbers zoals jullie, krijgen wij een slechte naam!

Da Predator - Knuckleheadz

Pass the brass knuckles then we break his jaw!
Da Predator - Filled with Power

There ain't no formula for people like me.. one, I'm filled with power!
Da Predator - Wild Stylez

If you battle me I will revile People always say my style is wild!

DJ Promo ft D-Passion - After Me There Wille Be None

Dj Promo – Bad Guy
You are all bunch of fucking assholes, you know why?
You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be.
You need people like me.
You need people like me so you can point with your FUCKING fingers and say: that's the bad guy.
Say good night to the bad guy.
Me, I don't have that problem..
Me, I always tell the truth.
Even when i lie!

Dj Promo - Bullit From My Gun
My family, my children, my mother can hold their head up in any neighbourhood in this city where she walks down the block. In all the five burroughs I'm known. Forget about it: I'm known all over the fuckin' world.

Dj Promo - Counter Attack
"The kind of thing that they tell you not to listen to, that they tell you it's bad, that they tell you it's wrong... HOW CAN IT BE WRONG?"

Dj Promo - Cold As Stone
DJ Promo - King of Pain
There's a little black spot on the sun today
It's the same old thing as yesterday
There's a black hat caught in a high tree top
There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop
I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the King of Pain....
However unreal it may seem... we are connected you and I....
And Jesus said get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness
Satan has conquered your mind with his evil temptations
A:They are gonna burn you buddy!
A:Yeah, and I am coming to see you burning you son of a
bitch, cause you have killed my friend
B:He died like a pig
A:What did you say?
B:I said that your friend died screaming like a
suck-irish pig,now you think about that while I beat your
Ik Haat Godverdomme Trance!
A:They are gonna burn you buddy!
A:Yeah, and I am coming to see you burning you son of a
bitch, cause you have killed my friend
B:He died like a pig
A:What did you say?
B:I said that your friend died screaming like a
suck-irish pig,now you think about that while I beat your
People kill each other every day, and for what..
For Politics..
For Religion..
AND THEY'RE HEROES! No, no there’s a lot of shit i can’t do anymore, but killing is not one of them. And letting those fuckin bastards out there go and rape somebody else, isn't either..
Redrum your the men
Good morning boy's and girl's
Release all the rage, let the beast out the cage
Beat the beat breaker breaker, master beats maker maker!
Unexist will break your face !!!! AHHHHHH!!!!



Re-style - Snertjong
Snert jong.

Rotterdam Terror Corps – Schizofrenic
Futuristic intelligence...
Cybernetic warfare...
Electronic terror impulse shall shine
but lays ahead of you.
Connect yourself to the main computer
and let me take you to a cybernetic ride.
Are you connected to the right cybernet?
If you are, finally you are connected to my brain.
Lean over to the right base...
Lean over to my schizophrenic game!

Rotterdam Terror Corps - Are Your Prepared To Die
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Are you prepared to die
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Are you prepared to die for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for Hardcore
Are you prepared to die for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for Hardcore
Rotterdam Terror Corps
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die for HARDCORE
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
No need to survive the people for commercial die
I ask you
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for HARDCORE
Rotterdam Terror Corps
Rotterdam Terror Corps
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
No need to survive
The people for commercial die
I ask you
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for HARDCORE
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die for HARDCORE

Rotterdam Terror Corps - Raveworld
I'm gonna take you to a world...
I will take you to another dimension...
I will lead ya... to places unknown...
I will show ya what it means to be... hardcore
Not only hard to the bone... but in soul and mind

Rotterdam Terror Corps - There's Only One Terror

There is no one like us

There is only one terror

There is only one

There is only one terror

NO imitation will stand and live

To see the daylight

If you are not real

You will be crossed by an high intensity of our quality

This is my battleground

You are playing with fire

The fear of our name has been spreading all over the globe

Our intensity is strange towards us

Immune for all commercial influence or native style

Pushers aren't true

There's only one terror

Rotterdam Terror Corps - Schizophrenic:




Futuristic intelligence...

Cybernetic warfare...

Electronic terror impulse shall shine but lays ahead of you.

Connect yourself to the main computer and let me take you to a cybernetic ride.

Are you connected to the right cybernet?

If you are, finally you are connected to my brain.

Lean over to the right base...

Lean over to my schizophrenic game!

Just come here and die while you still have the option of doing it quickly.

Just give me the box and I'll free you from the future

DJ Paul feat Firestone & Mc Ruffian - Ready For Judgement Automatic gun. Automatic gun...PAUW! Ready for judgement day. Non-believers, fuck y`all. Ready for judgement day.

Getting close to alienation. Looks like a fucking demonstration. I think I`m gonna use an automatic gun, or even better a fragmentation bomb!!

Get ready for judgemnt day! Fuck you, we`ll blow you away

Non-believers, fuck y`all. Ready for judgement day. Fuck you non-believers, we`ll blow you away!!

DJ Ruffneck - The Enemy
To attack without knowing the enemy's strenght... its foolish... foolish... after being warned then attack its stupid... stupid...
strangly tough one does find, people who are that stupid!


The Stunned Guys - Army of Hardcore
Ok, gabbers from (Mysteryland/Amphemy) of Holland
It's time for our fucking war
So join the army of hardcore
And clap your hands to this...
Bass! Floor!
Start the war,
it’s never seen before.
Start the war,
cause we are on the floor.
It’s never seen before;
amy of hardcore (hardcore)

The Stunned Guys - Back Once Again...
Back once again
With the Renegade Master
Deep thought damager
Power to the people!
Back once again
With the Renegade Master
Deep thought damager
With the ill behaviour!

The Stunned Guys - Back Once Again...
Back once again
With the Renegade Master
Deep thought damager
Power to the people!
Back once again
With the Renegade Master
Deep thought damager
With the ill behaviour!

The Stunned Guys - Thrillseeka
you wanna live....
you wanna die....
put your heads....
the speaker....
you wanna live....
you wanna die....
put your heads....
the speaker....
Put your heads
the goddamm speaker
Thrillseeka (3x)

Tommyknocker - Demolition
This is demolition my new mission demolition, this is demolition coming out the dawn!!!

Trypticon - Shotz on Five
You don't know what you're dealin' with... Gangsta!

T-Junction & Osiris Feat. Mc Syco - What's Up with Life
'Beats da beats breaker breaker, masterpiece maker maker.


The Unexist - Attack
Hitting hard like haystacks cow-hold
Callin me a sucker boy you're pushin a broom
If you try to pull a ace you'll get a punch in the face
All eyes are on my posse when we walk in the place"



Wedlock - The Tower
You took the wrong men to fuck with (zoiets)
wanna know, who really got the power,
bring your punk ass to the tower..
The trees shall be torn in half,
The birds shall be severed from the sky,
The water shall turn red as death,
The maggot shall seek the light,
And within the heart of each,
Lay the icons of our destruction.

Wedlock - Evolution Theory

All things change in a dynamic environment.




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« В: 09.12.2006 23:21 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

блин, читаешь, подпеваешь и настроение поднимается

добавлено спустя 3 минут

кстати, слова в треке Evil Activities - What’s Inside Me взяты с фильма "Чужой:Воскрешение" кажется

отредактировал(а) Predator®: 09.12.2006 23:24 GMT+4 часа(ов)

Язык Ритма - рейв-комикс
dj Axonoff

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« В: 10.12.2006 01:18 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Разве в Trillseekha не hands against the speaker?

GabberVision - так мы видим вас!

DJ Axonoff @ Twitter



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« В: 10.12.2006 04:29 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

AxoN Чесна гря не знаю, мб даже и хедс)))
Ваще в этих текстах довольно много ошибок\опечаток.
Но я проверять его не могу и не хочу.


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« В: 10.12.2006 20:13 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Кто нить напишет для меня The Viper - Blow Da Club Down?

http://scenereleased.blogspot.com/ Блог с 0-дэй релизами Hardcore, Hardstyle , Jump
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« В: 06.01.2007 21:50 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

У кого нибудь есть текст трека The Prophet - Peptalkin' ?
Вокал супер

This is what we want, we want it louder !!!

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« В: 12.01.2007 21:17 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

мой рубль в эту копилку

Charly lownoise & Mental Theo - Wonderfull days
Released: 1994

I found a love but it didn't last
Wonderful days belong to the past
I don't know where I stand
What I'm to do
Tried to forget and to find someone new

So I prayed on my knees to heaven above
Send me somebody, please,
Someone to love
Lend an ear to my story,
Give me your hands
Don't let me down with a heart to be ment...

http://scenereleased.blogspot.com/ Блог с 0-дэй релизами Hardcore, Hardstyle , Jump
http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/980/spartahh0.gif" alt="" />

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« В: 12.01.2007 22:12 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Alex2k6 ааа!!! о боже! я как раз сейчас её слушаю!!!!!! обалденная композиция!!!!



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« В: 15.01.2007 12:18 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

EFM-7 - Raver Raver Raver

I know a little raver
I made her out of plur
And when she wears her kandy
With raver I shall rave
Raver raver raver
I made her out of plur
Raver raver raver
With raver I shall rave

(key change)

I knew a little raver
I fell in love with her
Gave her all I could but then she danced of in a blur
Raver Raver Raver
She found somebody new
I will always miss the times that I was holding you


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« В: 15.01.2007 19:38 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Paul Elstak and Distortion-Motherfucka :

Motherfuckaaah [мазафака]


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« В: 03.03.2007 10:26 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

может будут повторения, лень редактировать

evil activities vs dj panic - never fall asleep
let me get you sleeping
on your land of death
keep those feet movin'
'cause we're going mad
keep those eyes open
pump your head up
i can see you tripping
get fucked up!

come on and kick it now

keep those eyes wide open
you'll die if you close 'em
if i get you sleeping
i will leave your ass frozen

keep those them feet moving
on your land of death
don't you ever fall asleep
don't you ever sleep again

Masters of Ceremony - Know your enemy

Yeah, we're coming back with another bomb track thinking on what's all about, check this out! Standing in the line, believe in the life, you're braindead, you got a bullet in your head, bring that shit in.. you are braindead you got a bullet in your head, a fuckin' bullet in your head.. you are braindead, you got a bullet in your head, you're fuckin' braindead! I rip the mike, rip the stage rip the system...

Bodylotion - Always Hardcore
For everybody who wants to listen what we have to say, no matter what everybody says we just don't give a fuck. There will always be HARD-CORE. Yeeeah, yeeeeah, I feel Hardcore! Yeaaah, Yeaaaah, always Hardcore!

Neophyte vs. The Viper - Got to be original
If you want to maintain, If you want to rule the market, try to beat the opposition. In any for my competition. What you want to be in this industrie? Use the energy. Hardcore Chemistry. Who you want to be in this industrie? What's your strategy? Hardcore Chemistry. Hardcore Chemistry. If you want to maintain, if you want to rule the market, try to beat the opposition. In any for my competition. The Netherlands, Germany, UK, Belgium, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France. Original Hardcore in the global distance. New York, L.A., Chicago, South Africa, Canada, Moskow, Australia, Tokyo. Any borders for us? Hell no!

Bodylotion - No worries
You don't need no worries in your life! You just need your HARDCORE that's the only thing you need to survive!

MOC - Skullfuck
Because I am hard you won't like me, but the more you'll hate me, the more you'll learn. I am hard, but I am fair - Proud to be Hardcore - We are doing all we can to make sure that Hardcore will never end - middle of the room, middlefinger high, yelling hardcore till we die! Hooligans, their name, destruction da game, there 's no sympathy for the radicals, vandals...

Evil Activities - World eclipse

I'm the resurection in the life that he believe at me, do he are dead, it show I life. I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! I'm the resurection in the life! Life! It's coming! Inmatet this, the lights of univers are on and at the flake of Goldwitch all the lights in the world are ammed. Yeah! Because if we change quick! It's coming! The world is... Get around in the night... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Tha Playah - Mastah of shock
Cause im the host of disastah,the mastah of shock!

Hard creation - I will have that power
I move by psycho-kinetic power.

You turn if you want to, the lady is not for turning.
I move by psycho-kinetic power.
There is no such thing as society.
No no no!

I move by psycho-kinetic power.
There is no such thing as society.
No no no!
Nothing, absolutely nothing must delay this all-glorious project.
One species must survive above all others, and to do so even set me above the gods and through the darkness...
I will have that power

Neophyte vs Lenny Dee - The future priest of now
Time for the punishment, time for the pain
Bassdrum overload!
Time for the punishment, time for the pain
Time to destroy!
Time for the punishment, time for the pain
Watch your fucking head right now!
Bassdrum overload, feel your frost
Neophyte, lenny dee come on!
Bassdrum overload, feel your frost
Come on!
Time for the punishment, time for the pain
Time for the punishment, time to destroy
Bring your feet right here, come on!
Fuck you
Time for the punishment, time for the pain
We start the panic, we bring the fear, all hell is breaking loose, clap your Hands if you want to die
Bassdrum overload, cocaine input
Do you know who I am? I don't care if you know, i'm gonna tell you fucking Anyway
I am the future priest of now, I am the guardian of the bassdrum
I am your worst nightmare!
I am hell on earth , I am the destructor, the punisher
Clap your hands if you want to die
Bassdrum overload, feel your frost
Those who do evil to others; killers, rapists, psycho's, sadists, you come to Know me well
Call me the punisher
Clap your hands if you want to die
Time to destroy
Bassdrum overload, feel your frost
Come on
Bassdrum overload, feel your frost
We blow your eardrum
Bla blie bloe
The old neophyte beltsj returns, 190 bmp beltsjing, they say it couldn't be Done, but we did it

Evil Activities - My hidden place
Through the warmthest
Cord of care
Your love was sent to me

I'm not sure
What to do with it
Or where to put it

I'm so close to tears
And so close to
Simply calling you up
I'm simply suggesting

We go to the hidden place
That we go to the hidden place
We go to the hidden place
We go to a hidden place

Evil Activities - X tinction

Remember the 7 sins

Number 1 Gluttenty
Number 2 Greed
Number 3 Slaught
Number 4 Envy
Number 5 Wrath
Number 6 Pride
Number 7 Lust

Ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust!

Evil Activities - Mc's & dj's
Doing this! For the Mc's & Dj's
Doing this! For the underground masses

This no reason fear the new world order
we must order the whole new world to pay us
the new world order under most have k us

So we wanna clear the air
And let you all know what time of day it really is
And it goes a little something
like this!

Evil Activities ft. DJ Panic & MC Alee - Bigger Than Ever
So you thought y'all called it played out huh
It's gone its over
Well guess what it's not
It's still here and bigger than ever

Retreat, Surrender, Defeat, Pretenders

I shall not retreat
I shall not surrender
I'm here to defeat
Those who are pretenders

I shall not retreat
I shall not surrender
I'm here to defeat
Those who are pretenders

I shall not retreat
I shall not surrender
I'm here to defeat
Those who are pretenders

I shall not retreat
I shall not surrender

I'm here to put hardcore on the map for ever
I'm here to put hardcore on the map for ever

You called it played out
It's gone it's over
It's not it's still here
It's bigger than ever

You underestimated the hardest creation in music history
Thought it would die like people die end up in history
Look at it now, look at you now, stressed up cause your kids got fed up, fucking their head up
You know who they went to see, everybody move while your head beats like these

So, You called it played out huh
It's gone it's over
It's not its still here
And bigger than ever

So, Y'all called it played out huh
It's gone it's over
Well, guess what
It's not its still here
And bigger than ever

You underestimated the hardest creation in music history
Look at it now, look at you now, stressed up cause your kids got fed up, fucking their head up
You know who they went to see, a 160BPM,

The DJ!
The MC!

Everybody move while your head beats like these!

You called it played out
It's gone it's over
It's not it's still here
It's bigger than ever

You called it played out
It's gone it's over
It's not it's still here
It's bigger than ever

Everybodoy move while your head beats like these!
I'm here to put hardcore on the map for ever!
Retreat, Surrender,

I'm here to put hardcore on the map for ever!
Retreat, Surrender, Defeat, Pretenders
I'm here to put hardcore on the map for ever!

Neophyte & MC Ruffian - Recht Uit De Ondergrond
Jullie proberen het succes van ons te evenaren
Laat staan zullen Neophyte en ik ze allemaal klaren
Voel je je aangesproken dan heb ik het vast over jou

Creativiteit is niet aan te leren
Ik zal je krijgen als je op mijn roem probeert te teren
Brutaal als maar kan snoer ik je de mond
De hardcore de harde kern de ondergrond

Brutaal als maar kan snoer ik je de mond
In het bijzijn van je vrienden zit ik je aan je wijf d'r kont
Ik maak me geen zorgen wat vind je van artist
De hardcore de harde kern de ondergrond

Wie niet horen wil die moet maar voelen
Uit ons verleden weten wij precies wat wij bedoelen
Gelijk je rechtstreeks loshandelen
Oog om oog tand tot tand
Ik geef de teringlijer absoluut niet mijn vrije hand

Ik doe dit alles zonder blikken of blozen
Als de uitverkorene heb ik voor dit pad gekozen
Voor een pittig argument ben ik altijd te prikken
Het gefuck van die lui hoef ik zeker niet te pikken

Al dat gezeik over hardcore iedereen moet eens luisteren
Vier je met een meid oke je kan wel fluisteren

Brutaal als maar kan snoer ik je de mond
De hardcore de harde kern de ondergrond

Ik ben degene die niet hore weet te brengen
Van mij niet doen ze houden heb ik ze doen bengen
Voel jij je aangesproken heb ik het vast over jou

Ik shockeer de heer
Aan het eind van het verhaal strijk ik met de eer

Tha Playah - Fuck The Titties (Viper & Tommyknocker remix)
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... There's PIMP Shit... Goin' Down...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
There's Alota Bitches... A Whole Lotta Freaks...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Top Notch Hoes... They Flockin' Every Week...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep The, Keep The, Keep The, Keep The...
Take A X-Pill... How's The Sex Feel?

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep The Henny Comin'...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Kee-hee-hee-heep... There's PIMP Shit... Goin' Down...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep The, Keep The, Keep The, Keep The... Titties Jumping...

Keep Ya Face Down... Keep Ya Ass Up...
You Know What You're Doin'... Keep That Shit Movin'...
Movin'... Movin'... Movin'... Movin'...
Movin'... Movin'... Keep Them Titties Jumping

God Damn Hoes... Here We Go Again...
Stop... It's The Motherfucking Remix...
... ...
... Come-On

... Come-On...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Kee-hee-hee-heep... There's PIMP Shit... Goin' Down...

Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down...
Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down...
Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down...
Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down... Goin' Down...


Don't Fuck With Fame... Fuck With Fame...
Oh... Ow... Ohhh... Ohh...
Oh... Ow... Ohhh... Ohh...
Oh... Ow... Ohhh... Ohh...
... Put Ya Hands Up!

*Magische Melodie*

[Let's Show What Bitches? @ 03:10:6]

Dance... Dance...
[now?] You Think To Know Who You're Fucking With?

Fuck The Fame

*Climax gedeelte 1*

I'll Blast On You As You Pass On Through...
Catch You Right Where You Stand, Put Your Ass On Mute... Come On...

*Climax gedeelte 2*

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep The Henny Comin'...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Kee-hee-hee-heep... There's PIMP Shit... Goin' Down...

Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Keep Keep Keep Jump... Keep Them Titties Jumping...
Take A X-Pill... How's The Sex Feel?

Neophyte - The Hardest Remake

Hardcore, hardcore, hardcore
I guess you're gonna play hardcore
I mean the hardest
Ooh that's so good, so hard
I bet this sounds going to be real hardcore

Hello, hello, hello
I guess you're going to play hardcore
I mean the hardest

I bet this sound is gonna be real hardcore

добавлено спустя 3 часа 55 минут

Masters Of Ceremony - Bottoms Up
Drop, drop drop drop it!
Drop it like it's hard!
Go with me
I show how a party is suppose to be
'Bout to drop bomb with hell let me party
Set it off, get is started!

Time To get down
Bottoms Up
As I pick the mic up
Let the motherfucker burn up
As I pick the mic up
What you see is what you get
You ain't seen nothing yet
No time to mess around
Time to get down
I could give up to ya
So what you gonna do with it
Throw your hands up in the air

How long how long must we sing this song
How long how long

'Bout to drop the bomb me with the hell let me party
Set it off get it started
Lookin at me strenght but I just don't care
Step up with this motherfucker with my drink in the air

See me now, you might not see me later
Cause I play dj you're the fader
I'm the one who get it crackin

отредактировал(а) Hellseekhaa: 03.03.2007 14:21 GMT+4 часа(ов)

10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

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« В: 10.03.2007 13:21 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Очень зацепила композиция. Всем учить слова!!!
Nyocore - misterblue (Гимн "Красного Октября" )

Холодно, хмуро...
И мрачно в душе
Как мог знать я
что ты умрёшь?

До свиданья, берег родной!
Как нам трудно представить, что это не сон...
Родина, дом родной,
До свиданья, Родина!

Эй! И в поход, и в поход!
Нас волна морская ждёт не дождётся.
Нас зовёт морская даль
И прибой!

Салют отцам и нашим дедам -
Заветам их всегда верны.
Теперь ничто не остановит
Победный шаг родной страны!

Ты плыви, плыви бесстрашно,
Гордость северных морей,
Революции надежда,
Сгусток веры всех людей.

Ты плыви, плыви бесстрашно,
Гордость северных морей,
Революции надежда,
Сгусток веры всех людей.

Салют отцам и нашим дедам -
Заветам их всегда верны.
Теперь ничто не остановит
Победный шаг родной страны!

Ты плыви, плыви бесстрашно,
Гордость северных морей,
Революции надежда,
Сгусток веры всех людей.

В октябре, в октябре
Рапортуем мы наши победы.
В октябре, в октябре
Новый мир дали нам наши деды!

Ты плыви, плыви бесстрашно,
Гордость северных морей,
Революции надежда,
Сгусток веры всех людей.

Салют отцам и нашим дедам -
Заветам их всегда верны.
Теперь ничто не остановит
Победный шаг родной страны!

В октябре, в октябре
Рапортуем мы наши победы.
В октябре...
Новый мир...




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Фан ФК Фейеноорд Роттердам

www.feyenoord.ru » Скрытый

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« В: 10.03.2007 17:39 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


ZheK :
Очень зацепила композиция. Всем учить слова!!!
Nyocore - misterblue (Гимн "Красного Октября" )

Да прикольный трек - но по мне надо сделать было помедленнее , чтобы слова разобрать лучше и биты помедленнее

http://scenereleased.blogspot.com/ Блог с 0-дэй релизами Hardcore, Hardstyle , Jump
http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/980/spartahh0.gif" alt="" />
J-Gabbersha Maran

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HAKKUH EN STAMPUH http://ru.youtube.com/user/Gabbersha

http://gabbersha.pdj.ru » Скрытый

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« В: 28.03.2007 18:15 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

а что-нить есть из русского ХК из текстов? хехехе...

мозк ГАББЕРА-гибридный код расплава мышц в плоскости дыхания,окрашивающий пятно электроплазмы ног рубящих СТАМПУ ф КАМУФЛЯЖ.Пульсация артерии вакуума *.cora оплодотворяет желание СВОДИТЬВИНИЛ,что фскрывает ухо феромонами БОЧКИ
Paul Sitter

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приусовод (Орбитал Стэйшн)

http://paulsitter.promodj.ru/ » djpaulsitter@mail.ru

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« В: 28.03.2007 18:23 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Пошли все на х#й пид@р@сы

J-Gabbersha Maran

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HAKKUH EN STAMPUH http://ru.youtube.com/user/Gabbersha

http://gabbersha.pdj.ru » Скрытый

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« В: 28.03.2007 18:26 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

а типо "Хей-хей! первым бей!..."?

мозк ГАББЕРА-гибридный код расплава мышц в плоскости дыхания,окрашивающий пятно электроплазмы ног рубящих СТАМПУ ф КАМУФЛЯЖ.Пульсация артерии вакуума *.cora оплодотворяет желание СВОДИТЬВИНИЛ,что фскрывает ухо феромонами БОЧКИ
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