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« В: 29.11.2006 21:01 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

предлагаю сюда выкладывать тексты габбы и юкея и т.д.!

чтоб точно знать слова и с удовольствием подпевать (или кто хочет подпивать) на танцполе!

и чтоб вопросов не было по поводу текста!

ну я пожалуй начну с самого простого

Neophyte - Army Of Hardcore

It goes like...

Ok, gabbers from italy and Holland
It's time for our fucking war
So join the army of hardcore
And clap your hands to this...

It goes like...






Ok, gabbers from Italy and Holland
It's time for our fucking war
So join the army of hardcore
And clap your hands to this...
Bassdrum !!


Start the war
It's never seen before

Start the war
It's never seen before






добавлено спустя 2 минут

Neophyte - Je Moet Je Muil Houwe


Hoerenneukers, ik heb het gehad
Sterf met een gezwel aan je kontgat !


Met een gezwel aan je kontgat !


Hoerenneukers, ik heb het gehad
Sterf met een gezwel aan je kontgat !

Jezus wat een kut muziek
Noem je dit muziek?
Hardcore is toch dood?

Je moet je muil houwe!

Ja moet je eens ff luisteren joh
Ik was al gabber in 1991, enne toen kwam ik al in de grootste feesten man.
Maar jah, het is toch dood of niet?
Ik ben er maar mee opgehouden

Je moet je muil houwe

Ik heb me Aus verbrand
Ik heb me nikes weggepleurd
Ik ben een baan gaan zoeken
Wat een kut muziek

Heb je me niet verstaan?!
Je moet je muil houwe
Muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je muil houwe

We komen hard aan, en hebben schijt aan de rest
Hardcore, verspreid zich sneller dan builenpest

Geboren om hard als een baksteen aan te komen
Om bloed uit je oren te zien stromen


Hoerenneukers ik heb het gehad, sterf met een gezwel aan je kontgat!

Met een gezwel aan je kontgat


Hoerenneukers ik heb het gehad, sterf met een gezwel aan je kontgat!

Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe
Je moet je muil houwe

We komen hard aan en hebben schijt aan de rest
We komen hard aan en hebben schijt aan de rest
Hardcore verspreid zich sneller dan builenpest

добавлено спустя 34 секунды

Neophyte - Music Is Rising

The music is rising
Powerfull and crazy
Different en surprising
Think I'm gonna stay

When we are together
There's no one to stop me
It's only gettin' better
Till the judgement day

You've been trying to kill me
Wanted me to pay
Take your fucking money
Get your ass away

You know what the plan is
You know what we're here for
And what the fuckin dancefloor
Nothin' more to say

(You know what the plan is)
(What the fuckin dancefloor)

отредактировал(а) Nelin: 29.11.2006 21:06 GMT+4 часа(ов)


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« В: 29.11.2006 21:08 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Bodylotion - neighbourhood crime
Only if I had one more
Time to kick the rhythm that keeps rippin' down the door
So the real criminals get exposed behind the clothes
Doors and the suits that make 'em break the law
Lookin' for my own 'cause I had enough bull
I can't understand it, must be crooked way they planned it
Police supposed to keep the peace
But I can't trust them so I keep my piece
Loaded & cocked 'cause I don't miss the block
I'm talkin' about the ones who don't get chained to the rock
Fools, they got away with the dope and the grime
While we go away for the neighbourhood crime

Neophyte - d.r.u.g.s.
How does it feel?
I was drowning in a sea of liquor
and I washed up on a beach made of cocaine...
The sky was made of LSD
and every tree was made of marihuana...
But the cops pulled me over...
They did not arrest me...
Instead they sucked my dick...
And it was so beautiful that God came down from heaven...
He said to me we will no longer spell the word God!
And said: Give me a D... Give me an R...
Give me a U... Give me a G...
Give me an S... And what does that spell?

Rotterdam Terror Corps - hardcore motherfuckers
Somebody said...
he's gonna fuck me up
I shot this son of bitch down...
cause he talked too much...
I level on a frequency that's beyond chaos...
way beyond...
like burned ashes...
Is all we're thinking...we...
the hardcore motherfuckers...
trouble's coming your way...
whenever you look someone
like me in the eye...
we demand absolute respect cause we are...

DJ Neophyte&The Masochist - the tunnel
This is the basic foundation of a track
Hmm... are you with me? Here we go
Yeah... I like it all...
Many of the people on the dancefloor also like their elements
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about
You just get into your own little space
On the floor... in the lounge
At the bar... in the hall
In the bathroom... in the basement
In the co-check... and even up the block

We're gonna start here with the kick and the bass
You like the bass?
Hmm... are you with me? Here we go
Yeah... I like it all...
Many of the people on the dancefloor also like their elements
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about
You just get into your own little space... and lose it
You have to let go... and lose it
Close your eyes... use your mind

Welcome... I'm your DJ, and I'm gonna take you on a tour
I want everyone on the floor, feel the drums
Get ready to explode
Now I want you to throw your hands in the air
Throw your hands up in the air
Loose control... loose complete control
I want everyone on the floor... I want everyone on the floor
Now... hmm... and listen to the sounds

Rotterdam Terror Corps - schizophrenic
Futuristic intelligence...
Cybernetic warfare...
Electronic terror impulse
shall shinebut lays ahead of you.
Connect yourself to the main computer
and let me take you to a cybernetic ride.
Are you connected to the right cybernet?
If you are, finally you are connected to my brain.
Lean over to the right base...
Lean over to my schizophrenic game!

Neophyte - perfect drug
(Intro) "Yeah I was back for some hardcoreshit!
Oh man... Gimme some water, I'm going out to some serious matters now.
Yeah, there's nothing like cocaine, speed, XTC, THC, L.O.V.E.
Hey... Oral sex later, baby.
Yeah, this one goes far beyond a hallucination trip,
'cos it penetrates not only your brain, but your whole existence,
your blood and timeline, it sure makes you see old types of spooks
and evil timefragments of the past, present, future...
Are you a user? I am...
Yo Neophyte, you gotta to help me out here man...
You've GOT to help me out here, man...
'cos you've got what they need, and after the cue,
you show 'em what you're pushing... Here we go!

Now tell me, do you want drugs?
You want drugs? Come get a boost from the speakah,
and I knew you'd get bust."

(2e break) "Oh man, ease it down man... Ease it.
Gettin' hot in here... Can't take it no more, take it down.
Take it down, at ease... at ease.. at ease.
I need to talk to you... look at me... LOOK AT ME!
I need to talk to you... This is my message to you.
Recognize... You'll... you'll be an outcast.
You, and other g-heads... people might want to call the cops on you.
Thinking you'd rob... you'd steal and kill for this...
So introduce em to your music, and see if they can handle this...
Perfect drug.
Take your face, bust that shit against tha speakah sniffin'..."

(Outtro) "Still want drugs? Ya still want drugs...
Well, here's the perfect drug... Here's that perfect drug.
Take your face, bust that shit against tha speakah sniffin'...
Perfect drug."

Outblast&Korsakoff – unleash the beast (the official Masters Of Hardcore 2004 anthem)
More than a decade passed...
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to man.
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encountered several
evil forces trying to destroy what we call our life...

After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever.
But there is an old legend that tells us it is impossible
to destroy the core and try to do so will unleash a beast more
powerful than the world has ever seen!

The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master!
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for.

The Master of Hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound

Neophyte&The Stunned Guys - the music is rising
The music is rising, powerful and crazy
Different and suprising, think I'm gonna stay
When we are together, nothing's gonna stop me
It's only gettin' better, till the judgement day
You've been tryin' to kill me, wanted me to pay
Take your fuckin' money, get your ass away
You know what the plan is, you know what we're here for
Rock the fuckin' dancefloor, nothin' more to say

Bass-D&King Matthew - hold me now
Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say,from each other
Even lovers need a holiday,Far away
from each other
Hold me now,
it?s hard for me to say I?m sorry
I just want you to stay!
Hold me now,
it?s hard for me to say I?m sorry
I just want you to stay!

Rob Gee - ecstasy you got what i need
I was having a bad day, nothing was going my way
I couldn't wait to get my pay cause it was Friday
Sat at my desk waiting for the bell
As soon as it rang I let out a yell
Just that day everything was going wrong
As each problem happened the day became real long
I went to the club to find my friend
Its only been a week since I last seen him
Always makes me feel like I'm on vacation
Always down to give me a good sensation
$25 dollars to hang out with my buddy
But I don't care cause its worth the money
He always makes me happy never makes mad
He can even make me feel great even when I'm sad
But if you're looking for my friend he won't be next to me
Cause he's a little white pill cause Ecstasy.

That's right this song is not about a person. It's about a little pill called Ecstasy and that why I have to sing this song and it goes like this


Men of Steel - it's the men of steel
One... Two... Three... Four... Hit it.
Throw ya hands up
One... Two... Three... Four... Hit it.
It's the Men of Steel banging with the drums, kick it!

Can you still hold your hands up?!
It's the world famous... Men of Steel!

It's the Men of Steel

DJ Buzz Fuzz vs. Bass-D&King Matthew - it’s alright

отредактировал(а) Hellseekhaa: 29.11.2006 21:19 GMT+4 часа(ов)

10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

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« В: 29.11.2006 21:10 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

названия треков плз! выдели жирным!


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« В: 29.11.2006 21:17 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

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« В: 29.11.2006 21:21 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

а кто нить выложит мой любимый трек The Viper - Blow da club down , и пожалуста Nitroginetics - True rebel.Ща еще подумаб и че нить еще попрошу

http://scenereleased.blogspot.com/ Блог с 0-дэй релизами Hardcore, Hardstyle , Jump
http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/980/spartahh0.gif" alt="" />
Force Majeure

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« В: 29.11.2006 21:35 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Nelin :

Neophyte - Je Moet Je Muil Houwe

Hoerenneukers, ik heb het gehad
Sterf met een gezwel aan je kontgat !

Jezus wat een kut muziek
Noem je dit muziek?
Hardcore is toch dood?

Сам такое читай и учи-))))

Мечты существуют для того, чтобы сбываться. Иначе какой в них прок? (С) В. Полунин

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« В: 29.11.2006 21:36 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

это стёб! учите!!! буим петь!!


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Капитан Внезапность

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« В: 29.11.2006 21:41 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

блин клевая идея
выложите кто-нибудь Evil Activities - Sick Of My Life! Плиззз!!! Давно уже ищу текст этого трека

Язык Ритма - рейв-комикс

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« В: 29.11.2006 22:37 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

сик оф май лайф
и чета там эврисинь

10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!



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« В: 29.11.2006 23:04 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Masters of Ceremony - A Way of Life

And the beating of the drum
The pounding of the bass
The crackle of the snare
Making float your hands up in the air!

House was a way of life

In the beginning he created a groove...
And with this groove he made us move...
And set our souls free...
House was a way of life...
And raise your hands in the air
To rejoice and sing a song of love
3 o'clock in the morning...
On and on and on and on...
House was our release...
House was our sanctuary...

And the beating of the drum...
The pounding of the bass...
The pump in the snare...
Making float your hands up in the air!

House was a way of life...
House was a way of life...
House was a way of life...

And the beating of the drum!


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« В: 29.11.2006 23:04 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Hellseekhaa даа-да-да... тоже только это помню) а эврисинь - это по-русски всепьянь


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« В: 29.11.2006 23:25 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Мои 5 копеек
Brisk & Trixxy - Eye Opener

Open your eyes
See all the love in me
I cant give up, not ever
Dont be afraid
Take all you need with me
And we'll be strong together!
We'll be strong together
We'll be strong together

Open your eyes
See all the love in me
I wont give up, not ever
Dont be afraid
Take all you need with me
And we'll be strong together
We'll be strong together
We'll be strong together

и т.д. до упора

Bang! - Shooting Star

Where we you to hold my hand?
do the things that we had planned?
Guess I need you by my side when things go crazy.
I just need to know you care,
guarantee that you'll be there,
When I wake up in the night will you by my guiding light?
I don't care how far i'll take a plane 2nite.
Just tell me where you are and everything's gonna be alright.

Like a shooting star,
Across the mignight sky,
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
Just to be with you tonight.
Like a shooting star,
across the midnight sky,
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
Just to with you tonight.

Like a shooting star across the midnight sky,
Where ever you are you're gonna see me fly.
Like a shooting star across the midnight sky,
where ever you are you're gonna see me fly.
so high

Like a shooting star,
across the midnight sky;
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
just to be with tonight.
like a shooting star,
across the midnight sky,
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
just to be with you tonight.

So high
like a shooting star
So high
like a shooting star
So high
like a shooting star

I don't care how far until i'll take a plane 2nite,
Just tell me where you are and everything's gonna be alright.

Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
Just to be with you tonight
Like a shooting star
across the midnight sky
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
just to be with you tonight

Like a shooting across the midnight sky
where ever you are you're gonna see me fly
like a shooting sky
where ever you are you're gonna see me fly
so high

Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
just to be with you tonight
like a shooting star,
Gonna fly, gonna fly, gonna fly,
just to be with you tonight...

Bang! - Break of dawn(Brisk & Ham remix)

Till the break of dawn!
Till the break of dawn!
Till the break of dawn!

Till the break of dawn!

Lay the demons down to rest
Feel the warmth of my caress
as I slowly go to sleep
with you

I will be there in your arms
Turn to stone, we are afar
I relax and feel your touch
In the places that I
Love me, feel me, never let me go! (Don let me go!)
Show me, need me, cause I want you stay at least,
till the break of dawn!

The break of dawn!
Till the morning day is come!
Will you feel it?
Till the break of dawn!

At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising, (can you feel it?)
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising!
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising, (can you feel it?)
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising high!

Will you be there?

Wont let you go
Cause I want you to stay

Wont let you go
Cause I want you to stay

Wont let you go
Cause I want you to stay

Till the break of dawn!

When the sun is rising high

Till the break of dawn

On the coldest, darkest night,
Are you sure well be alright?
As we gently drift asleep, oh!
In a secret fantasy,
You are always there with me
Cannot trust you with my heart
Do you promise that well never part?

Trust you, miss you, and never let you go! (Dont let me go!)
Love you, need you, cause I want you to stay at least
till the break of dawn!

Till the morning day is come!
Will you feel it?

The break of dawn!
Till the morning day is come!
Will you feel it?

Till the break of dawn!

At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising, (can you feel it?)
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising!
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising, (can you feel it?)
At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn! At the break of dawn!
The sun is rising high!
(Till the break of dawn!)
The sun the sun... the sun is rising high!
(Till the break of dawn!)
The sun the sun... the sun is rising high high high
(Till the break of dawn!)

Till the break of dawn!

Charly Lownoise & Menthal Theo - Hardcore feelings

Come show me your harcore feelings, with your raving meanings
cause I dont know the way to groove.
I've never learned to dance this fast and I don't know how to move.
When the beat's kicking hard and the beat's kicking low, yeah you'd
think it is too neat. I'd rather like to dance with like we did cheek
to cheek.

Come show me your, come show me your, come show me your,
come show me your, come show me your, show me your,
show me your hardcore feelings with your raving meanings from the
bottom of your soul. I've got feelings with raving meanings I think I'm
gonna loose control. When the beat's kicking hard and the beat's
kicking low will you give me one more chance? I've got feelings with
raving meanings now I feel I like to dance.

Come show me your harcore feelings, with your raving meanings
cause I dont know the way to groove.
I've never learned to dance this fast and I don't know how to move.
When the beat's kicking hard and the beat's kicking low, yeah you'd
think it is too neat. I'd rather like to dance with like we did cheek
to cheek.



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« В: 30.11.2006 11:01 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

DJ Paul Elstak - Rainbow In The Sky

I wanna see the rainbow high in the sky
I wanna see you and me on a bird flying away
Then I hope to see your smile every night and day (3x)

Rainbow high in the sky
You and me on a bird flying away
I hope to see your smile every night and day

I wanna make love too you
leave you too tomorrow
I wanna be the sunshine after rain
We can reach out to the sky
No more rain ond no more sorrow
For you I am the one that I could never be never be

herhaal refrein 2x

rainbow high in the sky
you and me on a bird flying away
then I hope I see your smile every night and day

DJ Paul Elstak - Promise land

Let me take you to the promise land
you and I, together we stand
let me guide you to tomorrow
let me free you from the sorrow
let me take you to a place i know
soul to soul, baby it shows
let me free you from the sorrow
let me guide you to tomorrow

Let me take you to the promise land
you and I, together we stand
let me guide you to tomorrow
let me free you from the sorrow
let me take you to a place i know
soul to soul, baby it shows
let me free you from the sorrow
let me guide you to tomorrow

Let me take you to the promise land
you and I, together we stand
let me guide you to tomorrow
let me free you from the sorrow
let me take you to a place i know
soul to soul, baby it shows
let me free you from the sorrow
let me guide you to tomorrow

The sky is filled with lovely colours
so when dou you love
the night is ours
feels like heaven
when you're by my side
a tender touch
makes me feel allright
you and i belong together
being iwth you is all that matters
journey of love
hand in hand
a dream comes true in the promise land

don't stop keep the hardcore party
you do what you want
don't stop
DJ Paul DJ Paul
Don't stop, move your body
DJ Paul is on this party

take me to the promise land
promise land

Let me take you to the promise land
you and I, together we stand
let me guide you to tomorrow
let me free you from the sorrow
let me take you to a place i know
soul to soul, baby it shows
let me free you from the sorrow
let me guide you to tomorrow

DJ Paul Elstak - Luv U More

You can make the sun turn purple
You can make the sea turn turtle
But you know you can never
make me love you more

You can turn wine into water
And sadness into laughter
But you know you can never
make me love you more

Let the sky fall down,
Let the leaves turn brown
Still you know you can never
make me love you more

Let the redwoods die,
Let the wells run dry
Still you know you can never
make me love you more

отредактировал(а) FUBU: 30.11.2006 12:19 GMT+4 часа(ов)

You sound like shit, like Jennifer Lopez

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« В: 30.11.2006 11:11 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Для гитарастов выкладываю с табами. Чтоб, сцуко, в каждой подворотне лабали!
Это Пеннивайзовский вариант, он от Элстаковско-тинэйджворнинговского всегопарой слов отличается.

the intro is done on bass and still plays through the whole song

To all my friends present past and beyond, especially those who weren't with us
too long life is the most precious thing you can lose
while you were here fun was never ending,
laugh a minute only the beginning
canton, colvin, nichols,this one's for you.

(У Габберов что то типа "to all the friends we've lost, this one's for you!"


ever get the feeling you can't go on just remember whose
side it is that you're on you've got friends with you 'till the end
if you're ever in a tough situation we'll be
there with no hesitation brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend


when you're feeling too close to the bottom you know
who it is you can count on someone will pick you up again
we can conquer any-thing together all of us are bonded forever
if you die I die that's the way it is




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« В: 30.11.2006 11:31 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

о кул! надо буит на гитарке слабать эту тему!

есть ещё скейтвариант этой песни!
поёться "скеееееееейт скейт о даааааааай, скееееееейт скейт скейт о дай"


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3. Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому и Второму Законам.

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« В: 30.11.2006 12:23 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

dj paul elstak - Don't Leave Me Alone

Don&襬t leave me alone
cause I need you so
never want to let you go
Don&襬t leave me alone
I will die without your love
there by my side
Come get on with the bassdrum

dj paul elstak - Life Is Like A Dance

Life is like, life is like a dance
Life is like, life is like a dance
Show me, show the way it goes
Show me, show the way it goes
(1 Wdh.)

DJ's mixing, DJ's mixing (8 x)

Life is like, life is like a dance
Life is like, life is like a dance
Show me, show the way it goes
Show me, show the way it goes
(4 Wdhis like a dance
Show me, show the way it goes
Show me, show the way it goes
(2 Wdh.)

dj paul elstak - Ready For Judgement Day

Automatic gun

Automatic gun, POW!

Ready for judgement day

Automatic gun

Ready for judgement day
Ready for judgement day
Ready for judgement day
Ready for judgement day

Non-believers... FUCK Y'all
Ready for judgement day
Getting close to...
any nation
looks like
a fucking demonstration
think i'm gonna use
an automatic gun
or even beter
a fragmentation bomb

Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away
Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away
Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away
Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away
Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away
Get ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away

ready for judgement day fuck you we'll blow you away
ready for judgement day fuck you we'll blow you away
ready for judgement day fuck you we'll blow you away
ready for judgement day fuck you we'll blow you away
fuck you we'll blow you away
fuck you we'll blow you away
fuck you we'll blow you away
fuck you we'll blow you away

Automatic gun, POW!

ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away

Non-believers, Fuck Y'all
ready for judgement day
fuck you non-believers, we'll blow you away

Automatic gun, POW!

Automatic gun


ready for judgement day

Automatic gun, POW!

ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
ready for judgement day
fuck you we'll blow you away

ready for judgement day

ready for judgement day

ready for judgement day

dj paul elstak - Thrillseeka

Step into the hardcore zone.


From here now,
we go into a different range of...

you're killing me with these noises!

Noises, noises,
you're killing me with these noises!


Noises, noises, noises,
you're killing me with these noises!

Noises, noises, noises,
you're killing me with these noises!

You wanna live, you wanna die, thrillseeka.

Put your heads against the speaker.

Live... die... thrillseeka.
Put your heads against the goddamn speaker!


Die! Die! Die! Thrillseeka.

Thrillseeka... die!


добавлено спустя 2 минут

Dj Isaac - Bad Dreams (remix)

Out On the wiley, windy moors

We`d roll and fall in green

You had a temper, like my jealousy

Too hot, too greedy
How could you leave me

When I needed you , possess you?

I hated you. (zacht) hated you

Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight 4x

добавлено спустя 2 минут

Dj Promo - Don't Speak

Party people let let me see i`v you can dance to...
Party people let let me see i`v you can dance to...

You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always

I really feel
I`m losing my best friend
I can`t believe
This could be the end

It looks as though you`re letting go
And if it`s real,
Well I don`t want to know

Don`t speak
I know just what you`re saying
So please stop explaining
Don`t tell me `cause it hurts
Don`t speak
I know what you`re thinking
I don`t need your reasons
Don`t tell me `cause it hurts

Party people let let me see i`v you can dance to...

добавлено спустя 4 минут

DJ Promo - 95% Against Me

Well I got the sound, I want the hole world listen to

Fuck Motherfuckers (6x)
Fuck Motherfuckers, did ya know I have the balls to
Fuck Motherfuckers (6x)
Fuck Motherfuckers, turn it up the way it was before, Nice try
but ya can't stop the power of the base in ya eye.

All across the room on the shielings and the walls to,
Fuck Motherfuckers did ya know I have the balls to (3x)
But I got the sound I want the hole world listen to the
hardcore dirty street, HEY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!

Hey Motherfuckers I know ya hear me calling you (4x)
But ya wanted some, but I see that ya hold it to.
The hardcore dirty street, Levelshit.

Turn it up the way it was before, Nice try
but ya can't stop the power of the base in ya, The hardcore..


Let me take a lors, take a lors to the master, And they know crazy floats
and the know I'll blast them and all across the room on the shielings
and the walls to, hey Motherfuckers I know ya hear me calling you.

Fuck Motherfuckers (6x)
Fuck Motherfuckers, did ya know I have the balls to..

Dj Promo - Counter Attack

My my my my my, do we all look fine tonight.
Oh yeah we've come to worship alright.
But I got a little special something for you all tonight.
The kind of thing that they tell you not to listen you.
that they tell you it's bad for you.
that they tell you is wrong.
How could it be wrong?

Dj Promo - Killing Scum

You better watch out
You need a lesson
Your a Devious basterd

I need no thanks
We're killing scum

I need no thanks
we're killing scum

I need no thanks
we're killing scum

Dj Promo - King Of Pain

got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
cone kickin ass

got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
as at happened to miss this f*cking sound

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
as the turning the body you wan't

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
as the turning the body you wan't higher and higher

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
as the turning the body you wan't

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass
to the bass drama boddem be storm in here

got to get busycals you know I'm down
as at happened to miss this f*cking sound
as the turning the body you wan't higher and higher

it's my bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi

it's my bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass

to the bass drama boddem be storm in here

cone kicken ass
cone kicken ass

as the turning the body you wan't higher and higher

it's my beat bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi
cone kicken ass
bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi

got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
cone kickin ass

got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
got to get busycals you know I'm down
as at happened to miss this f*cking sound

отредактировал(а) FUBU: 30.11.2006 12:32 GMT+4 часа(ов)

You sound like shit, like Jennifer Lopez

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« В: 30.11.2006 12:34 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

ЖгЁте, пионеры. Давай еще.


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« В: 30.11.2006 12:41 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Neophyte - Brain Cracking

Have you ever heard a sound?
throw your head in the ground
and you're afraid to say
and it won't go away..

that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking.

Have you ever heard a sound?
throw your head in the ground
and you're afraid to say
and it won't go away..

that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking.

Have you ever heard a sound?
throw your head in the ground
and you're afraid to say
and it won't go away..

that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking.
that's the sound of your brain cracking,
that's the sound of your brain cracking.

Masters Of Ceremony - Hardcore Will Survive

masters of ceremony

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore
we cannot live we cannot die
checking ourselfs
hardcore will survive

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore

we cannot live we cannot die
checking ourselfs
hardcore will survive


Hardcore rulez the world

Base sequence

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore

masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore

we cannot live we cannot die
checking ourselfs
hardcore will survive


masters of ceremony
masters of ceremony
all that i hear is absolute hardcore
we cannot live we cannot die
checking ourselfs
hardcore will survive

добавлено спустя 1 минута

3 Steps Ahead - Paint It Black

I see a red door and I want it painted black.
No colors any more, I want them to turn black.
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes,
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black,
With flowers and my love, both never to come back.
I see people turns their heads and quickly look away,
Like a new born baby, it just happens every day.
I look inside myself and see my heart is black.
I see my red door, I was having paint it black.
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the fact,
It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black.

Paint it Black!
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue,
I could not foresee this thing happening to you.
If I look hard enough into the setting sun,
My love will laugh with me before the morning comes.
I see a red door and I want it painted black.
No colors any more, I want them to turn black.
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes,
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.

I want it painted black, black! Black as coal, black as night!
I want it painted black, black! Black as coal, black as night!
Black, black, black, black, black, black!
Black, black, black, black,...

добавлено спустя 13 минут

Несколько текстов из старого хэппи:

4 Tune Fairytales - Take Me 2 Wonderland
Let me tell you what i'm dreaming of
and i hope you'll understand,
there's a place for lovers everywhere
and they call it wonderland

take me to wonderland where lovers can be free
and the magic will never end
for always you and me

Let me tell you what i'm dreaming of
and i hope you'll understand,
there's a place for lovers everywhere
and they call it wonderland

[chorus 2x]

get up on your feet
get up on your...get up on your feet

Let me tell you what i'm dreaming of
and i hope you'll understand,
there's a place for lovers everywhere
and they call it wonderland

[chorus few times]

Jimmy J - 99 Red Balloons

You and I in a little toy shop,
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got,
Set them free at the break of dawn, one by one they have gone,
Back at base, back to the subway,
Flash the message someones out there,
Floatin' in the Summer sky, 99 Red Ballons go by

You and I in a little toy shop,
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got,
Set them free at the break of dawn, one by one they have gone,
Back at base, back to the subway,
Flash the message someones out there,
Floatin' in the Summer sky, 99 Red Ballons go by

You and I in a little toy shop,
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got,
Set them free at the break of dawn, one by one they have gone,
Back at base, back to the subway,
Flash the message someones out there,
Floatin' in the Summer sky, 99 Red Ballons go by

Tiny Tot - Discoland

Take me up up up and away
Where the music is my fantasy
Take me up up up and away
Where fantasy turns reality
oh captain and take my hand
and lead me to the discoland
so i can do all the things ive been longing to do
ohh, let me hear you sing now

hey.. ohhhh
hey hey hey....
hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh....

Hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh....


You got me
You need me
Just you take good care of me
now the music
is happin
I want everyone to be free and easy
captain take my hand
and lead me to the discoland
So i can do all the things
Ive been longing to do ohhh..
Let me hear you sing no

Hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh...
hey.. ohhhh
hey.. ohhhh...x2

DISCOLAND discoland
DISCOLAND discoland
let me sing now
DISCOLAND discoland
DISCOLAND discoland
let me sing now!

Q-Tex - Power Of Love

Can you feel the fire burn
as it takes controll of you
There is no where you can turn
there is nothing you can do
ohh yeah
Your heart will never be free
as it takes you high above
So baby wont you come with me
and we can fly on the
Power of love!!

Can you feel the fire burn
as it takes controll of you
There is no where you can turn
there is nothing you can do
ohh yeah
Your heart will never be free
as it takes you high above
so baby wont you come with me
and we can fly on the
Power of love !!

I want you
I need you
Baby wont you come with me
I want you
I need you
Baby wont you come with me
Can you feel
The power of love!!

добавлено спустя 14 минут

Rotterdam Terror Corps:

Rotterdam Terror Corps - Are You Prepared To Die

Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Are you prepared to die
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Are you prepared to die
for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for
Are you rpepared to die
for what you live for
Are you prepared to die for
Rotterdam terror Corps
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
Are you prepared to die
for Hardcore
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
Rotterdam Terror Corps is in the house
No need to survive
the people for commercial die
I ask you
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
for what you live for
are you prepared to die
for Hardcore
Rotterdam Terror Corps
Rotterdam Terror Corps

are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die

No need to survive
the people for commercial die
I ask you
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
for what you live for
are you prepared to die for

are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die
are you prepared to die for

Dr. Macabre meets Rotterdam Terror Corps - Macabre

Maacbre (2x)

A first ...(?)
A real treature
The shame of a nation full of ... (?)
They must to produce to adjust (?)
Being spilltered
we love, we search for our home
In this quest, join the army
the army of real freaks


Rotterdam Terror Corps - Our Vision

We invade into your dream
and force upon you
our vision of hardcore
simple and clear
a new world of order
where male and female
have stepped ...(?)
a haunting grill(?)
in which we keep dwellin' all eternity
we pray and we fight
to keep our vision alive
a new world of order

this is our vision
simple and clear
a new world of order

this is our vision
simple and clear
a new world of order(3X)
this is our vision
a new world of order

We invade into your dream
and force upon you
our vision of hardcore
simple nad clear
a new world of order
where male and female
have stepped ...(?)

this is our vision
a new world of order
a new world of order

Rotterdam Terror Corps - Poison In My Brain

Entering your mind, poison in your brain (19X)
Poison in your brain
entering your mind
Poison in my brain
entering your mind,
poison in your brain

отредактировал(а) FUBU: 30.11.2006 14:20 GMT+4 часа(ов)

You sound like shit, like Jennifer Lopez

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« В: 30.11.2006 13:39 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

FUBU чемпион!

10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

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« В: 30.11.2006 19:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Фубазер ЛоЛ,тьфу крутой ЛоЛ! но чуток оленёнок!

Ka>IDoMu SvoЁ!
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