Я еще хочу отметить что рядом на этом сайте висит анонс диска Hardcore to da bone 5 следующегшо содержания:
The most successful hardcore compilation series of the moment is proud to present part 5! Part 1 till 4 proved to be a huge sales item, and in our modest opinion we think this part 5 won't be an exception to the rule. Just like the first 4 parts, this doublepack is compiled and neatly mixed by those nasty men of hardcore: DJ Neophyte and DJ Panic. They selected and mixed exclusive not yet released tracks from respected labels such as Rotterdam Records, Forze, Neophyte Records and Traxtorm Records, and brandnew stuff by hardcore guru's such as The Viper, The Masochist and DJ Promo.
А рядом еще анонс другого диска с hardouse/hardstyle`ом, где говорится что на диске с названием Hardbass 2 есть два трека в стиле hardhouse!!!
Lars Tindy - Bitz of bass
Hardhouse man of the first hour and Tindy Tunes labelmanager, Lars Tindy, wanted a bit of change in the musical policy of his label..... His first 10 releases being UK hardhouse orientated tracks, # 011 shows a more German influenced hardhouse style, which can depend on loads of international attention nowadays. TWO ASS POUNDING HARDHOUSE TRACKS JUST THE WAY WE LIKE IT, OF WHICH "bITZ OF BASS" IS ALREADY TO BE FOUND ON BIG COMPILATIONS SUCH AS hARD bASS VOL. 2, Harder Mach 4 (mixed by Gizmo) and D-Trance (mixed by Gary D.).
Респект всем, кто не дает врать псевдокрутым и псевдолучшим диджеям и выдавать свои вкусы за хардкор!!!
