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« В: 15.04.2009 20:16 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

[Enzyme 31] In Sync with the Sun
Rumors have been going around the internet for months, but now we confirm that the next release on Enzyme records will be the slamming collaboration between Meagashira & Endymion.
Enzyme 31 contains 2 tracks by Meagashira & Endymion, 1 track by Project Omeaga & Endymion and 1 solo track by Endymion. More information about this release will be revealed soon.
For now, make sure you keep your ears open at parties to discover which tracks will appear on Enzyme 31.

[Genosha 18] Born of Revelation

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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« В: 01.01.2017 00:00 GMT+03 часа »
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2. Робот должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые дает человек, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.

Мистер Джи offline

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« В: 17.04.2009 20:16 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

[T3RDM0155] Promo - My Future Destiny [Promotype 10A]
A1. My Future Destiny
A2. My Beating Drum
B1. This Is How We Rock
B2. Rhythmics Of A Badboy

Official release to follow next week.

отредактировал(а) heinzgabber: 19.04.2009 10:10 GMT+4 часа(ов)

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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« В: 17.04.2009 22:37 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

дождался я


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« В: 17.04.2009 22:46 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Promo For President!

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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» dojdevik.1996@mail.ru

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« В: 17.04.2009 23:16 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Хардкор - это мой наркотик, который я ни с кем не собираюсь делить!!!

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« В: 18.04.2009 11:14 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Промо - первый мистический.

10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

Мистер Джи offline

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« В: 21.04.2009 18:29 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

[MRV118] Dione - Floorkillaz Vol.2
A1. Dione - The Way Is Shut
A2. Dione - Silence Is Loud (Phobos Remix)
B1. Dione - Eye Of The Storm (Angerfist Remix)
B2. Dione - Eye Of The Storm

[MRV119] Headbanger - The Remixes Vol.6
A1. Headbanger - Baddest Motherfucker (The Hitmen Remix)
A2. Headbanger ft. MC Alee - Pray 4 Daylight (Human Resource Remix)
A3. Headbanger - Severed Heads
B1. Headbanger - Exterminators (Accelerator Remix)
B2. Headbanger ft. MC Alee & MC Ruffian - At Large (Delirium & Delusional Remix)

[MRV120] Chrono, The Demon Dwarf & Sneiterheadz
A1. Chrono & The Demon Dwarf - Shut The Fuck Up
A2. Chrono & The Demon Dwarf - The Funky Shit
B1. Sneiterheadz & The Demon Dwarf - De Gebruiker
B2. Sneiterheadz & The Demon Dwarf - Wat Is Dit (Fucktup Remix)

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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<3 gaycore

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« В: 22.04.2009 01:16 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

A U D I O S I C K N E S S - http://www.a udiosickness .com
Opening April 2009:
Exclusive Online Record Shop & Distribution.

Audio Sickness will be launched as a new Exclusive Online Record Shop and Independent Record Distribution for quality underground music with crossovers between Drum & Bass, Hardcore, Breakcore and all related sub styles.

Audio Sickness will be the new exclusive Distribution for well known labels like Deathchant Records, Pacemaker Records, Sadistic Records, Born Ultraviolent Records, Ninja Columbo, Provoke Recordings, White Donkey, Stroid & many more and starting labels like Smackdown Recordings, Nekrolog1k Recordings, Future Cutz and many more to come. All the products will be exclusively sold at the Audio Sickness website, http://www.a udiosickness .com, for the first three/four weeks. After that the products will reach the usual (online) record shop channels.

Next to this Audio Sickness will also able an MP3 Shop containing high quality MP3’s off all the back and future products for the CD-DJ’s. Keep an eye out on this also!

Audio Sickness opens its doors next monday, the first batch of new records which will be available will be the new Deathchant from Detest, Pacemaker by I:GOR, Born Ultraviolent by Hellfish, Sadistic by Fiend & Deathmachine, Nekrolog1k Recordings 001 by Various Artists. Also you will be able to catch some old stock from these and other labels which will also be gradually updated. Also in the future keep a look out on some represses of your favourite backstock products.

Deathchant 057 by Detest
A high energy rudebwoy bumbaclot beat blast 2 years in the making – Detest has saved his best for DC… Radial kicks and Black forest breaks rain down on your face like radioactive terradactile urine, burning addictive rhythms into your brain. With 4 unstoppable tracks, each weighing in at 200bpm plus….Deathchant is back!

A1: Detest - Love Song
A2: Detest - Go Out and Kill Tonight
B1: Detest - BoomCore
B2: Detest - Brassy

Pacemaker 014 by I:GOR
A quality two tracker by I:GOR: The A side features the 220bpm track - Galloping Neurosis. with the typical I:GOR flavour - original heavy fast kicks combined with complex breaks, a hip hop fueled masterpiece. Side B other offers an atmospheric slower experience, with the tried and tested breaks and kicks that have come to be expected from the pin point Polish professor, a high quality EP for both your ears and the dance floor. Not to be missed!

A: I:GOR - Galopping Neurosis
B: I:GOR - Paralish

Sadistic 003 by Fiend & Deathmachine
4 tracker by Fiend & Deathmachine. Both rinse out with one heavy hardcore track, and one heavy breaks/hardcore track, drum & bass/breakcore influenced. Fiend – Hell is an absolute dancefloor burner, also - Want To Know. Both other tracks offer a nice mixture between beats & breaks! Quality EP.

A1: Fiend - Hell
A2: Fiend - Open Your Eyes
B1: Deathmachine - Want To Know
B2: Deathmachine - Agression Strand

Born Ultraviolent 011 by Hellfish
Hellfish is back, and he wants vengence. Born Ultraviolent 11 delivers weapons grade music with attitude.. Side A (THE HOUSE OF 1000 KICKDRUMSS) takes you to the limit of human hardcore resistance, layer upon layer of sything kicks will destroy even the truly hardcore.
Having dissapeard for months Following the loss of his close friend Ramirez, Hellfish finally resurfaced in 2008 having completed his 220bpm emotional mind blast ‘FISHIKA’ .the B-Side track bares the scars of his seclusion – a serious dance floor homage from the hard hop originator.

A: Hellfish - The House of 1000 Kickdrums
B: Hellfish - Fishika (Dedicated to Ramirez)

Nekrolog1k Recordings 001 by Various Artists
The first Nekrolog1k Recordings EP is here, brought to your by the AK-Industry crew from Switzerland. The first E.P. contains a heavy drum & bass/breakcore/hardcore crossovers by DJ Hidden, I:GOR, Throttler & Igneon System. A great fresh EP!

A1: DJ Hidden - Battle Angel
A2: Throttler - Wicked Children
B1: I:GOR - Absolute True Force
B2: Igneon System - Take Me Into Your Darkness

Upcoming Artists in 2009 on Deathchant, Pacemaker, Sadistic, Born Ultraviolent, Nekrolog1k, Ninja Columbo, Smackdown, White Donkey, Stroid, Provoke, Future Cutz & many more: Hellfish, Bryan Fury, Axe Gabba Murda Mob, I:GOR, The Tekno&覧st, Dolphin, Fiend, The Speed Freak, The Outside Agency, Eye-D & Hidden, Somatic Responses, Lenny Dee, Promo, The DJ Producer, El_Fin, Hardcoholics, Skeeta, DuranDuranDuran, Unyx, Ladyscraper & Many Many More.

Audio Sickness proudly opens its doors with above products mentioned on Monday, April 27th, 2009. So get ready to get your orders in from next Monday. Products will be offered at a nice price & decent shipping rate!

Hope to welcome you soon to our online shop!

Audio Sickness
http://www.a udiosickness .com
Sales Department: sales@audios ickness.net
Distribution Department: distro@audio sickness.net
Skype: Audiosickness
Telephone Number: 0031657204489

добавлено спустя 7 минут

"Piwi is busy on some new project also for Hardcore Blasters and a remix for Nitrogenetics will come very soon on the market, watch out!!"

отредактировал(а) seeep: 22.04.2009 01:23 GMT+4 часа(ов)


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« В: 22.04.2009 10:39 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Q-Dance asked us (Ebndymion) to mix the hardcore cd for In Qontrol 2009. We selected the best hardcore tracks of this moment. We included new tracks by Meagashira, Endymion, The Viper, Kasparov, Amnesys and many more.

The cd will be available at In Qontrol on the 25th of April 2009. At 0.00 we will be at the Free Record Shop stand to sign your copy of the In Qontrol CD.


10/02/2017 "Fear", the long awaited new hardcore release created by Hellseekhaa is out on Metal Records!

Мистер Джи offline

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« В: 22.04.2009 17:18 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Hellseekhaa :
At 0.00 we will be at the Free Record Shop stand to sign your copy of the In Qontrol CD.

password: Lord give me a sign!

отредактировал(а) heinzgabber: 22.04.2009 17:24 GMT+4 часа(ов)

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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« В: 22.04.2009 17:25 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Q-Base 2009 | 12th September 2009, Airport Weeze (DE)

Date: 12 September 2009
Time: 16:00 - 08:00
Price: -
Where: Airport Weeze (Weeze, DE)


To be announced...

More info soon.

Видимо это был PR ход от Q-dance объявить о закрытии в прошлом году этого проекта....

heinzgabber, не собираешься случайно

DJU Black , whats next ?


Мистер Джи offline

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« В: 22.04.2009 17:28 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

в Германию точно не поеду,...в планах Decibel 2010 или Q-Dance: "Promo:..." (2010)

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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« В: 22.04.2009 19:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

надеюсь не баян)
Moleculez - Bastard Of The Universe. Скоро выйдет на Meta4.
инфа с дискогса.
Submitted by: ophidian

DJ Guyver

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http://guyver.promodj.ru/ » gabberrus@rambler.ru

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« В: 22.04.2009 19:03 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Mayday 2009 (30. April 2009 – Westfalenhallen Dortmund – 18:00 - 09:00 Uhr): полный лайн-ап


Paul van Dyk (Berlin)
Sven V&覜th (Frankfurt)
Fedde le Grand (Tilburg)
Judge Jules (London)
ATB (Bochum)
Moguai (Ruhr-Area)
Westbam (Berlin)
Matt Hardwick (Sheffield)
Kyau & Albert (L&覮bau)
Dave 202 (Z&覴rich)
Anthony Rother (Frankfurt)
Tomcraft & L&覴tzenkirchen pres. "5 years of Great Stuff LIVE SET" (exclusive Mayday performance) (M&覴nchen)
Members of Mayday

Felix Kr&覮cher (Frankfurt)
Umek (Lubljana)
Josh Wink (Philadelphia)
Sven Wittekind (Frankfurt)
Torsten Kanzler (Berlin)
Len Faki (Berlin)
Klaudia Gawlas (Passau)
COLLABS feat. Chris Liebing & Speedy J (Frankfurt/Rotterdam)
Brachiale Musikgestalter (Wiesbaden)
Jacek Sienkiewicz (Warschau)

Mixery Casino
Turntablerocker (Berlin)
Tom Novy (M&覴nchen)
Dominik Eulberg (Bonn)
&襺me (Karlsruhe)
Gregor Tresher (Frankfurt)
Milk & Sugar (M&覴nchen)
Plastik Funk (D&覴sseldorf)
Babor (Koblenz)
Gabriel Ananda (K&覮ln)
Kollektiv Turmstrasse (Hamburg)

Korsakoff (Almere)
Outblast (Almere)
Activator (Bassano del Grappa)
J.D.A. (Venray)
DJ Mystery & MC H (W&覴rselen/K&覮ln)
Alphaverb (Amsterdam)
Dutch Master (Noord-Brabant)
Stormtrooper (Wien)
Shogun & Rocca MC (K&覮ln)
Gabba Front Berlin (Berlin)
Angerfist (Hengelo)
2-Sidez (Amsterdam)
Marshall Masters feat.
Marc Acardipane & The Ultimate MC (Hamburg) DHHD (Den Helder)
MC Syco (Hengelo)
The Ultimate MC (Hamburg)


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« В: 22.04.2009 19:06 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Activator (Bassano del Grappa)
DJ Mystery & MC H (W&覴rselen/K&覮ln)
Alphaverb (Amsterdam)
Dutch Master (Noord-Brabant)
2-Sidez (Amsterdam)

Давно было известно ! Лайн ап аху*тельно хорош !

DJU Black , whats next ?


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« В: 01.01.2017 00:00 GMT+03 часа »
Цитата   Править   Удалить:[x]

2. Робот должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые дает человек, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.
DJ Guyver

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http://guyver.promodj.ru/ » gabberrus@rambler.ru

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« В: 22.04.2009 23:38 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Qont :
Activator (Bassano del Grappa)
DJ Mystery & MC H (W&覴rselen/K&覮ln)
Alphaverb (Amsterdam)
Dutch Master (Noord-Brabant)
2-Sidez (Amsterdam)

Давно было известно ! Лайн ап аху*тельно хорош !

Известно,но здесь не озвучено...
И ты отца забыл: Marshall Masters feat. Marc Acardipane & The Ultimate MC


G-had offline

audio extremist

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« В: 23.04.2009 00:49 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


Korsakoff (Almere)
Outblast (Almere)
Activator (Bassano del Grappa)
J.D.A. (Venray)
DJ Mystery & MC H (W&覴rselen/K&覮ln)
Alphaverb (Amsterdam)
Dutch Master (Noord-Brabant)
Stormtrooper (Wien)
Shogun & Rocca MC (K&覮ln)
Gabba Front Berlin (Berlin)
Angerfist (Hengelo)

2-Sidez (Amsterdam)
Marshall Masters feat.
Marc Acardipane & The Ultimate MC (Hamburg) DHHD (Den Helder)
MC Syco (Hengelo)
The Ultimate MC (Hamburg)

уж и не знаю что сейчас представляет Mayday... так оно -core секция и на Loveparade обьявится... хотя смотря еще что играть будут...


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« В: 23.04.2009 00:51 GMT+4 часа(ов) »


На Love Parade уже давно для Q-dance выделяют отдельный стейдж

DJU Black , whats next ?


Мистер Джи offline

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« В: 23.04.2009 22:43 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

VA - In Qontrol 2009 - Ctrl.Alt.Delete [3CD]

Disc 1:
1. Project One - Rate Reducer (Headhunterz Remix)
2. Mr Puta - - La Vida Narcotica
3. Headhunterz & Wildstylez Vs Noisecontrollers - Famous
4. Dj Phil Ty - A Kay A
5. Wildstylez - Muzic Or Noize
6. Headhunterz - A New Day
7. Tnt - Double Dutch Darkies
8. Headhunterz & Wildstylez Vs Noisecontrollers - Tonight
9. A-Lusion & Scope Dj - Between Worlds
10. Noisecontrollers - Revolution Is Here
11. D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Music Made Addict
12. J. Hiroshy - Showtime (Tatanka Remix)
13. Builder - Her Voice (Headhunterz Remix)
14. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl. Alt. Del.
15. Zany - Animated Audio
16. Dark Oscillators - Trapped - (Solaio Mix)
17. Project One - Numbers - (Wildstylez Remix)
18. Zany & Noisecontrollers - Delomelancum
19. Headhunterz - The Fear Of Darkness
20. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute

Disc 2:
1. Nexes - Unstoppable
2. Meccano Twins - Unnecessary Sacrifice
3. Endymion - Bio
4. Meagashira & Endymion - Outcasts
5. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live A Lie
6. Weapon X - Planet Rocker
7. Tommyknocker - Criminal
8. Art Of Fighters & Endymion - Let's Get It On
9. Ruffneck & Sei2Ure - Armorgeddon
10. Mike Nrg - Lost In Dreams (Weapon X Remix)
11. Unnatural Selection & Cik - Day Of Judgement (Ophidian's Main Stage Remix)
12. Amnesys - Elevation
13. Evil Activities Ft. Ruffian - Nothing
14. Anime - Concentrate -
15. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Envy
16. Predator & Angerfist - Legend
17. Gif Phobia - Dig It
18. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl Alt Delete - (Kasparov Remix)
19. Nosferatu & Endymion - Pass The Bottles
20. Kasparov - Manga
21. Endymion & Nosferatu - Act Of God (Break Neck Mix)
22. Ophidian & Ruffneck - Noisemaker (Meccano Twins Vip)
23. Amnesys - 4D Future

Disc 3:
1. Sound Enhancers - Store & Forward
2. Darrien Kelly And Attic & Stylzz - Beaten Like A Bitch
3. Neophyte - Real Hardcore
4. Radical 2 React - Eliminating Suckers
5. T-Wisted - Listen To The Rhythm (Buzzy Goes Bzrk Mix)
6. The Viper & Mad E Fact - Control The Party
7. Dj Isaac & The Viper - Trigga Finga
8. G-Town Madness - Locked Down
9. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Buck Em Down
10. Masters Of Ceremony - Soul Seller
11. Neophyte Vs The Stunned Guys - Revolution 909
12. The Reactor & Raoul Meets Impulse Factory - Hardcore Will Never Die - (The Viper Remix)
13. The Viper - X-Terminate (T-1000 Mix)
14. The Playah - Hit Em
15. Three Village - Speak To Me
16. Endymion - It's All Music
17. The Blaster - War Is Coming
18. Max E Crew - Metal Ware (Ware Fed Up Mix)
19. Dione - Let Your Mind Be Free
20. T-Wisted Ft. Pino D`Ambini - Respect The Cock
21. The Stunned Guys - I Am A Gabber
22. Digital Boy & Mc Rage - Akkur (Rave Mix)
23. Scott Brown - King Of The Beats
24. Tommyknocker - Fuck This Track Up
25. J.D.A - Game Of Pain
26. Dj Paul & Dj Rob Feat Mc Hughie Babe - Lords Of The Hardschool - (Dj Paul's Forze Mix)
27. Bodylotion - Make You Dance
28. Darrien Kelly & The Stunned Guys - Party Rico
29. Tiny Tot - Discoland (Dj Isaac Remix)

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996

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« В: 24.04.2009 11:00 GMT+4 часа(ов) »

Thunderdome · Fight Night [23.05.2009]

Evil Activities vs Tommyknocker
Vince vs Nosferatu
Endymion Live vs Art of Fighters Live
D-Passion vs Ophidian
DaY-m&覙r vs Unexist

Mez Live vs Torsion Live
The Outside Agency vs Mindustries
Skeeta vs Fracture 4
Radium vs Drokz

Тем, кто планирует поздку в Голландию, с целью посетить вечеринки, рекомендую трип:
Nightmare Outdoor · The last Daylight [16.05]
Distorted Hardcore · Hemelvaart [20.05]
Thunderdome · Fight Night [23.05]
...крайне заманчиво...но мне пока что остается ждать только сеты...

Standing with the crossed hands at the far end of danceflore since 1996
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